Power Rangers/Dinarangers AU - After the death of her beloved husband, Lord Zedd, at the hands of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Rita has had her alchemist monster creator, Finster, to devise a new footsoldier that will lead the charge of her revenge against the rangers.
This set is actually meant to take place after Trini left the Rangers, but yeah, I kind missed the gloves still being there after asking Seb to remove the yellow ranger suit
And Machiko Soga passed away just under a decade ago. Other actresses have obviously played Rita and another will soon play Trini in the new movie. This art features the characters not the actresses, whom I have nothing but respect for.
Base +5, idontfuckingcare +6
Posted on 19 December 2015, 21:56 by: AznTHundaGod
Score +7
Yeah, I never thought of Rita as a sort of seductress. I mean in Sailor Moon I can picture Queen Beryl as that, but Rita just came across as more of evil & Goofie.
Andross's sister Karone aka Asronema from POwer Rangers in Space definitely has that corrupted feel. She'd definitely be hot for that sort of Power Rangers / Dina RAnger AU sort of mix.
Keep in mind that Rita isn't doing this for sexual gratification, she's doing this because she's beyond livid. Her rage at the death of her husband (whom she comically seduced with mind control) have driven her to want not just crush, but humiliate those responsible. To make them feel the worst pain imaginable. She isn't even just turning their friend against them, she's turned their friend into a mockery of the proud heroine she was and Rita isn't going to stop there. She's going to do the same to every one of the female rangers put in front of her because she wants the Rangers & Zordon to feel true fear, remorse and regret for taking away her beloved. However, at the same time, she's going to enjoy herself while she does it, 'cos that who Rita is at heart imho. An evil witch who loves her job.
I won't argue that other series villainesses would work well with the idea, because they would, but I wanted to go back to Mighty Morphin, simple as that.
If you plan to make more Dinaranger fanart, I would suggest dedicating more pages to the transformation process. Instead of telling us that it took 30 minutes to break her, let's see some of those intermediate stages of corruption.