Base +46, Zerotation +6, Tolta -7
Base +33, Phreeman +25, Red of EHCOVE +52, Zerotation +6, Muhkura +5, Tolta +7, Lonelywolf3 +7
Base +6, Red of EHCOVE +52, Brickster +17, yac986 +6, SW_CGF +6, Zerotation +6, Muhkura +5, nobody_xxx +26, Tolta +7, Lonelywolf3 +7, KitzBitz +2, Megaton +39
Base +5, tyroluuki +6, Zerotation +6, Muhkura +5, Tolta +7, KitzBitz +2
Posted on 20 June 2016, 19:08 by:
dope Score
Base +6, Tolta -7, Lonelywolf3 -7, bloodydeath666 +7, Capuchuu +5
Base +3, Red of EHCOVE +53, Megaton +39