Uuuh... After "Sunny-side up?", I expected something happier, not Kirito getting double-NTRed by two clones of himself... But "Kirito" still wins, so no happy end for Kirito haters either, I guess...?
EDIT: I didn't exactly read it (don't have the time right now), but basically Suguha (the real one) gets it on with a program that imitates Kirito, since she can't get the genuine article (this is unrelated to Sunny-side up, so she lost the lover battle). Asuna (real one) wants to help her and accepts some kind of challenge from the program, so she has to endure until a certain time limit. She loses it at the end, unknowingly under the eyes of Kirito (real one) who, in turn, becomes the target of the program using Asuna's appearance.
TL;DR: this is the birth of Skynet and the beginning of the Matrix. Welcome our new AI overlords!
Yeah, I expected the same, but I don't think that's exactly what happened, more like it was Asuna trolling Kirito with some 'data-copies' or something as revenge for what happens in the comic itself. Well, there is no way to be really sure of what's going on until someone translates it, though...
No, Faeldrin's comment is pretty much correct. The "Asuna" on pg. 47 is another instance of the AI that spawned the two Kirito-copies, but the Asuna and Suguha are the real ones.
Not fully understanding what you mean 'cause I don't know Japanese at all, so I'm not sure when this AI replaced Kirito or vice versa, but I think I will wait till someone translates it to properly find out.
Seriously? Man...what a dumb AI ._. I mean, goes through the problems of making all that elaborated plan and 'gaining control' over two humans...just to reveal it all to someone who can easily Log Out, save both girls by taking out their Amuspheres and then safely erasing its programming from the servers O-O And I thought it seemed smart...