Posted on 07 January 2016, 07:32
Base +7, The Naughty Shrink +6, TITSorGTFO +6, jfragrettel +7, Marisa Kirisame +7
Base +5, TITSorGTFO +6, jfragrettel +7, nontewat +6, mangacrazy +8, DonutKing +6, somecoolname +7
Base +10, TITSorGTFO +6, HKE +6, banditsoul +6, jfragrettel +7, Night_stayer +8, d_arker +5, mangacrazy -8, ob123 +9, DKU +6
Posted on 07 January 2016, 13:41 by:
seakson Score
Base +6, ApplerKaiNi +1, The Naughty Shrink +6, Pixelcats +5, sparrow5 -5, HKE +6, shinatocool +8, marblie +8, ncc1701z +10, HeavHo +8, Halcyon_M +7, banditsoul +6, Poywert +4, and 12 more...
Base +5, banditsoul +6, jfragrettel +7, Danimoth +8, 34se +7, d_arker +5, nontewat +6, lastflower +12, ob123 +9, bigeat12 +6
Base +7, d_arker +5, mangacrazy +8, lastflower +12