Original from http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53468388 Translated by Elf Song on Danbooru Typeset by Yurispammer http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1358827
@Kaneko I'm going to guess that this storyline takes place near the end of the war where Haruna is the last to survive of the Kongou-class but is pretty much crippled in Kure (anchored due to no fuel + maybe the bombing runs on her during that time). Ise was also present at Kure as well. Houshou remained active past the war to act as a transport for POW's (hence her flashback before the Akagi and Kaga sank).
@Kaneko This is actually from another artist, originally. The idea, setting, both from Asakawa. This was made by Kamo with permission from Asakawa. You can find every prequel at Asakawa's Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=630462, or read them translated on Danbooru. Finding them on Danbooru is easy. Just follow tag combination of "haruna_(kantai_collection) houshou_(kantai_collection)" or tag "asakawa_(outeq)".
As a note, Asakawa did others too, like Nagato, Sakawa, Kitakami and Ushio, etc, not just Haruna and Houshou.