I prefer reasonable large breasts to life-impossible-mega breasts, but it's still is a Genshiken story, and Ohno is so hot... anyway, this was published on DLsite under KI-SofTWarE, dunno why. Digital version of /g/644404/4f873dddf1/
9) You can turn on many features, including "no ads", and access to more galleries, by acquiring "hath". See the feature list at /hathperks.php , and get your hath from /exchange.php?t=hath
EHCOVE is looking for a scanner in Japan who can order dojins from Japanese stores like nagomiweb.jp and scan them for me. Willing to pay commission fee on top of covering purchase and delivery costs (and the scanner keeps the books). Can pay through PayPal/Neteller. PM me if interested.