Posted on 12 February 2016, 04:14 by:
Calibus Posted on 12 February 2016, 05:10 by:
CGrascal Score
Base +16, Calibus +10, omfglol +10, Kamiyama03 +6, Kaoknight +7, Master Lark +6, Sakura_Haruno_lover +6, Peshrz +6, shrurur +6, Lostalgia +5, Piccopod +6, yac986 +6, memnarch +10, and 43 more...
Posted on 12 February 2016, 06:25 by:
Nitramy Score
Base +6, Calibus +10, Kaoknight +7, Master Lark +6, Peshrz +6, shrurur +6, Piccopod +6, yac986 +6, trool +6, Iron Clad Granite +6, Captian Katsura -7, musoukaXIV +9, Sakura_Haruno_lover +6, and 27 more...
Posted on 12 February 2016, 07:32 by:
JTH_X Score
Base +1, Master Lark -6, Kamiyama03 -6, kelner -5, mutag3ne -6, Piccopod -6, Rarris -11, trool -6, bloodygod190 -5, kuezan -7, villein -6, Captian Katsura +7, StillWind -23, and 5 more...
Posted on 12 February 2016, 07:37 by:
Thanks Score
Base +7, Kaoknight +7, Master Lark +6, shrurur +6, Calibus +10, mutag3ne +6, Piccopod +6, trool +6, LordPMan +7, Iron Clad Granite +6, Captian Katsura +7, musoukaXIV +9, Sakura_Haruno_lover +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 12 February 2016, 07:41 by:
Kyu-kun Score
Base +7, Calibus +10, mutag3ne +6, Piccopod +6, Captian Katsura -7, Sakura_Haruno_lover +6, 7StarSword +4, mimoman +7, HidekiSan07 +5, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 12 February 2016, 19:04 by:
JJ_Zalem Score
Base +16, Piccopod -6, Rarris -11, Kaoknight +7, trool -6, villein -6, Captian Katsura -7, Sakura_Haruno_lover -6, KzeKzer -8, Trollmylove -7, uhho -11, StillWind -23, testy -7, and 7 more...
Base +5, Calibus +10, Captian Katsura -7, Sakura_Haruno_lover +6, 7StarSword +4, HelmutRegner +6, Purple98 +1, FunkX +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Base +5, Calibus +10, Kamiyama03 +6, Bipolar Hernandez +6, mimoman +7, HelmutRegner +6, Purple98 +1, Xymia2912 +5, Headsexplode +9, faacto99 +6, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 06 May 2016, 10:28 by:
ber17 Score
Base +7, Calibus +10, Based Brandon +10, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 29 May 2016, 22:01 by:
TLani Score
Base +6, SjorsP +5, FO-Bakayarou +10, Calibus +10, tokin +8, HelmutRegner +6, asdf2012 +6, coleccionista903 +6, Coledas Ukgent +15
Base +6, SjorsP +6, mimoman +7, TurdFerguson21 +6, memnarch +10, Calibus +10, tokin +8, CuriousAboutItAll +6, HelmutRegner +6, asdf2012 +6, coleccionista903 +6, Coledas Ukgent +15
Base +1, Purple98 -2, selyts +5, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 26 February 2018, 00:32 by:
nado1908 Score
Base +6, selyts -5, himoud -8, Purple98 +5, FunkX +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Base +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 04 September 2020, 04:43 by:
darkflimy Score
Base +2, Coledas Ukgent +15