Posted on 20 February 2016, 05:54 by:
Luke78 Score
Base +10, hermit20 +6, THEbigOnEd +7, Sh1n0 +9, pingas007 +7, CX~DeribuRa +26, onithedemon +8, Fandarel +9, Soluc +6, williamjcm +4, Yampa +5, Chained +6, MapHawk +6, and 12 more...
Base +6, hermit20 +6, Laharl_EAC +9, THEbigOnEd +7, Ianagiaiz3 +6, canabush +6, pingas007 +7, kitsunefox21 +6, The Mysterious Tahu +6, Soluc +6, williamjcm +4, Yampa +5, MapHawk +6, and 9 more...
Base +7, The Mysterious Tahu -6, fester_jester -4, DevilsView -6, chem of steiner -6, smi256 -7, flash193 +8, Coolham23 -10, Notanalt -1, Mike-O-Shay -6, Sazre -6, dave272727 -6, Reasons2B +6
Posted on 20 February 2016, 07:06 by:
LWND Score
Base +9, Yampa +5, MapHawk +6, flash193 +8, ricado6969 +6, bigscuba +2, Notanalt +1
Base +6, williamjcm +4, Yampa +5, MapHawk +6, sicuus +6, flash193 +8, ricado6969 +6, keihirotan +7, bigscuba +2, Notanalt +1, Reasons2B +6
Posted on 20 February 2016, 11:13 by:
sexyshinx Score
Base +2, The Mysterious Tahu +6, flash193 +8, keihirotan +7, bigscuba +2, Notanalt +1, Reasons2B +5
Posted on 20 February 2016, 17:25 by:
ungzor Score
Base +8, NikolaTesla +6, flash193 +8, bigscuba +2, Reasons2B +5
Base +1, flash193 +8, ricado6969 +6, BIGhappyG33 +6, bigscuba +2, Notanalt +1, joesmx +7, Reasons2B +6
Base +4, flash193 +8, keihirotan +7, Reasons2B +6
Posted on 15 April 2022, 09:55 by:
st8 Score
Base +2, dave272727 +6