A re-scan of my copy of SweetknighT. This time I undid the binding just enough to get the full pages, so nothing gets cut off on the inside edge anymore. I also tried to do a much cleaner job cropping and straightening the pages.
As with the others, I will try to put together a torrent which has the full-size files (this site's max upload size eans I have to scale these things down to 1/4 the resolution I scanned them at). It will also contain the TIFFs, as opposed to the converted and (lossless-) compressed PNGs.
All right, I'm guilty 3458 and I'm going to start work on this and to be enjoyed even better'll get the English version, take a while because I'm working but I will try to finish as soon as possible.
Hello, and tried to download the torrent and is no more than 1% not if you can upload it and I spend mega links in my g mail with guilty3458 if they are again re-edit