Base +6, dismas +6, stupid army +7, ounichan +3, gussh +6, NoMeKop +6, chantdante -4, elgringo +50, Ooe Kintarou +5
Base +6, stupid army +7, GearZeroSky +16, nowittycomment +8, Ooe Kintarou +3, 8jposfolifas +10, Oblivo +6, alt128 +10
Last edited on 29 February 2016, 20:31.
Base +6, Mestro +6, chamsojoo +6, GearZeroSky +16, nowittycomment +8, Ooe Kintarou +3, 8jposfolifas +10, Oblivo +6, alt128 +10
Base +10, Mestro +6, Ooe Kintarou +4
Base +2, nowittycomment +8, Buraku-chan -10, Oblivo -6, DattacK -7, visin88 -5, Machiga -6, Surviva -6, Miriah -7, ss567 -6, helabus -5, Chamma -7, tobee -6, and 7 more...
Last edited on 01 March 2016, 21:41.
Base +10, nowittycomment +8, Ooe Kintarou +3, Buraku-chan -10, Oblivo -6, DattacK -7, visin88 -5, Machiga -6, Surviva -6, Miriah -7, ss567 -6, helabus -5, Chamma -7, and 8 more...
Posted on 03 March 2016, 06:23 by:
pervM Score
Base +6, strawtea +5, zinc0000 +6, Ooe Kintarou +4