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[Yair] El Desquite de la Reunión Sale Mal [Español] (completo)

Posted:2016-03-01 04:06
Language:Spanish  TR
File Size:57.28 MiB
Length:67 pages
Favorited:175 times
Average: 3.83

Showing 1 - 40 of 67 images

Posted on 01 March 2016, 04:06 by:   meiwow    PM
Uploader Comment
"Traducciones Meiwow"

La 'gordona' de la clase se convierte en una super buenota puta casada... puta por verga negra.
Posted on 08 December 2014, 22:19 by:   jfragrettel    PM
Score -1
Posted on 25 October 2015, 13:08 by:   MANONEGRABLOG    PM
Score +3
Un buen trabajo !
Posted on 16 December 2015, 21:48 by:   Maryu    PM
Score +1
Un muy buen trabajo mis camaradas y parece que la cosa no acaba aqui. Gracias.
Posted on 18 December 2015, 05:16 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score -10
somehow i don't think you'd like this as much if it was a latina girl getting pregnant by a black man

isn't it suspicious that all the interracial porn here is white women, the global minority, being taken as trophies by nonwhite men

like kate steinle, murdered by a latino before any man could claim her

a hundred years from now, if this site is still here, will you still upload interracial porn, long after the last whites are gone?
Posted on 20 December 2015, 05:31 by:   meiwow    PM
Score +14
@Comrade Claus Hello there, friend, I would like to remind you this is only a comic, it's not real life. Also, if they make a comic of a white hispanic chick getting addicted to some black stud and ending up pregnant, hell yeah I would still post it here :D Another thing too to be fair with you, it's normal to feel bothered by having "our" women be "taken away" by whoever we think they shouldn't be taken away by, I feel the same way too, sure, but that's part of the whole taboo and this is just a comic buddy, enjoy it for what it is, porn. It's not like this is a movement to wipe away the white race in 100 I can't believe I have to spoon feed this explanation to some people. sigh.
Posted on 20 December 2015, 20:08 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score -10
it's called "normalization", it's one of the 10 Stages of Genocide. just like it's "normal" in Mandela's South Africa to walk around singing "Kill the White Folks, Kill The Boer" while leading mobs in the massacre of entire white families. South Africa has lost TWENTY percent of it's Whites since Apartheid ended. Even Iceland, a barren block of ice, isn't spared the misiery of genocidal invasion. we are also literally being taxed to death, where we can not afford kids, but every nonwhite group somehow can (hint, they get helped out by those same crushing White Privilege Taxes)

"1984" was "just a book" it could "never happen", yet all white nations are being engulfed in PC laws, where dissenters are imprisoned or reeducated to be "tolerant" or expelled from their jobs & ruined

in america, white on nonwhite marriages have tripled in just 20 years, due to years of propaganda incuting white women to betray millenia of racial heritage. in that period, America went from 90% white, to 60% (while schools went from 90 to just 49% a catastrophe for the most populous White Nation in the world)

it's also a fact, that a white woman is fourteen times, FOURTEEN TIMES more likely to be killed by her black husband compared to a white husband. Nicole Brown could've been the mother of beautiful white children, instead, she had OJs kids, then she got slashed

there was an "Erotica" called the "Black Power Virus" (a wretched nauseating manifesto) where white men became sterile invalids, abandoned by their wives who were addicted to black cock like it was crack. & the author had the nerve to say it wasn't encouraging genocide since no one was killed, despite sterilization of an entire race (& the white men "conveniently" vanishing from the story without explanation) until it's extinct IS genocide under International Law.

ps, every white guy (or japanese) jerking of to porn, real or cartoon, is clearly not doing his duty in siring a family

when i said latina, i OBVIOUSLY meant NONWHITE hispanic

hispanic=latina=NONwhite, just as jews and arabs aren't white (they are west asian semites & hispanics are more than half arab anyway, as are all spanish, you know, the Emirate of Cordova? the 800 year Muslim occupation of visigothic spain? 800 years... of rule by an ISIS type government, who rape all infidel women in sight, how many generations, before all spaniards are arab? less than 10, for certain)

like how "white" hispanics marco rubio, ted cruz & geraldo rivera want mexicans to keep flooding america, no matter how many whites get killed. (& all the "white" jewish senators [10 democrat, 1 "socialist"] are for open borders, gun control & tighter restrictions on the internet)

it's at the point my people'd have to flee to alaska & pray for another Ice Age just to survive the next 20 years

i'd only be ok with this kind of porn if my peoples birthrate was TEN (1000%) times their deathrate (it's currently 20% & falling)
Last edited on 20 December 2015, 20:25.
Posted on 21 December 2015, 03:19 by:   meiwow    PM
Score +14
Yup. You're messed up in the head big time.
Posted on 29 December 2015, 20:48 by:   Morfeo11    PM
Score -2
A mi se me hace curioso que en estos cómic de cornudo donde un hombre negro roba a una mujer blanca al final sigue siendo racista pero a la inversa, osea, te puedes enamorar y casar con un blanco, pero si lo haces un negro tendrás una vida de miseria y privaciones, a pesar de que al final el negro "gana" la historia se vuelve despectiva para el.

De todas maneras, buen cómic, me gustan mucho tus traducciones.
Posted on 30 December 2015, 01:37 by:   meiwow    PM
Score +8
@Morfeo11 Me alegra que te entretengan mis traducciones. No sé si estoy de acuerdo conque el comic sea racista, si es culpable de algo, podría ser de que hace prejuicios acerca de los hombres negros siendo más machos o más capaces en la cama que los blancos. Pamela no termina casada con el negro después de todo, se encuentra en los problemas que está hasta ahora en la historia porque el esposo la desamparó y está arreglándoselas como puede con la limitada ayuda que el negro, también ya casado, le brinda, y todo a concecuencia de no poder haberse resistido de serle infiel con el "irresistible machote negro". Gracias por leer, saludos, y estate al tando de más actualizaciones en el futuro. ;)
Posted on 30 December 2015, 07:42 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score -4
"messed up in the head"

tell me the name of a SINGLE White Nation that has more births than deaths

tell me a SINGLE White Nation that isn't being flooded in a mass nonwhite invasion

justify to me, how whites can be literally taxed to death to fund nonwhite welfare programs (whites can no longer afford kids, while nonwhites can have litters funded solely on White Blood Money)

how is acknowledging the Genocide of an entire race "messed up"?

go ahead, try this story w/ a black immigrant in israel, impregnating a jewish housewife, see what happens then ;) there's some real Racists over there, they actually sterilize blacks still & genetically screen all immigeants for Jewish Purity
Posted on 01 January 2016, 07:38 by:   MrPollo    PM
Score +1
Hello, was wondering if someone know if the artist who create this have his/her own web site? so I can see more of his work. Thank you.
Posted on 03 January 2016, 15:35 by:   sturmann    PM
Score -17
truly disgusting fetish
Posted on 23 February 2016, 19:49 by:   MrPollo    PM
Score +1
Please when is this going to be updated? Q__Q
Last edited on 23 February 2016, 20:07.
Posted on 30 May 2016, 06:26 by:   exodus_road    PM
Score +12
Siria is under massive EMIGRATION right now. Or you are using the obnoxious american RACIST notion that americans are white and mexicans are an entire different race called latins ???

If the grandparents of a USA citizen came from the same european town as one from brazil/chile/argentina ... they are both the same.
Posted on 05 October 2016, 16:13 by:   restlez    PM
Score +6
@meiwow, could you upload the complete english version? This one is incomplete: /g/887356/151c348cc8/

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