Base +6, aerd +9, Nightverge +7, Slothulu +4, westlander +6, Sinon Granaxia +7, rea002 +6, jixslz +5, rapeshit +8, thaluka +6, stygon +6, SHsurreal +5, Domanxyz1992 -6, and 40 more...
Base +5, PersonaFan08 +14, Hongfire +6, Raging +7, John Tank +13, bachelorettefrog +2, SHsurreal +5, kasaix +6, Btech Thor +16, grandphoenix1213 +9, Tofu22 +2, wheelzero +6, rawrdood +7, and 11 more...
Posted on 29 July 2015, 04:55 by:
radman Score
Base +5, PersonaFan08 +14, amurec80 +4, Raging +7, John Tank +13, SHsurreal +5, grandphoenix1213 +9, rawrdood +7, Slartiparpfast +6, somerandomdude33 +6, Toushiroo +9, La-Ni +5, Cakman +7
Posted on 29 July 2015, 05:06 by:
Zelreth Score
Base +6, PersonaFan08 +14, Randomguy664 -11, 8bitdahpandah +4, Raging +7, everettj +7, John Tank +13, SHsurreal +5, kasaix +6, justicechi -6, rawrdood +7, jacobV +5, somerandomdude33 +6, and 2 more...
Last edited on 29 July 2015, 13:22.
Base +13, Domanxyz1992 +6, amurec80 +4, John Tank +13, kasaix +6, rawrdood +7, PersonaFan08 +14
Base +1, lolxdrofl +5, amurec80 +4, Watanogiku +11, kasaix +6, grandphoenix1213 -9, rawrdood +7, PersonaFan08 +14, John Tank +14, lightningbarer +6, Cakman +7
Posted on 01 August 2015, 23:50 by:
IzzyData Score
Base +6, amurec80 +4, jeppleson +4, Raging +7, giygaskiller +6, everettj +7, John Tank +13, Qkeftw993 +5, Watanogiku +11, mdr33flame -2, Necronomicron +7, rawrdood +7, thaluka +6, and 5 more...
Base +4, jeppleson -4, Raging -7, everettj -7, John Tank -13, Sellanyx -1, amurec80 -4, fotp -6, bachelorettefrog -2, 8bitdahpandah -4, Watanogiku -11, Linkman70000000 -8, Necronomicron -7, and 5 more...
Base +6, John Tank +13, amurec80 +4, bachelorettefrog +2, Watanogiku +11, Btech Thor +16, grandphoenix1213 +9, Linkman70000000 +8, Necronomicron +7, rawrdood +7, thaluka +6, Slartiparpfast +6, somerandomdude33 +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 13 August 2015, 03:37 by:
strudol Score
Base +6, John Tank +13, amurec80 +4, bachelorettefrog +2, 8bitdahpandah +4, PersonaFan08 +14, Necronomicron +7, rawrdood +7, somerandomdude33 +6, TheAbominatrix -2
Base +5, fotp -6, bachelorettefrog -2, 8bitdahpandah -4, Watanogiku -11, John Tank -13, mdr33flame +2, SHsurreal -5, kasaix -6, Btech Thor -16, Tofu22 -2, Necronomicron -7, PersonaFan08 -14, and 5 more...
Posted on 19 August 2015, 01:54 by:
Jycool Score
Base +9, grandphoenix1213 -9, Slartiparpfast -6, Horblordor +6, somerandomdude33 +6
Posted on 19 August 2015, 03:02 by:
mahoujuko Score
Base +5, bachelorettefrog +2, Watanogiku +11, John Tank +13, PersonaFan08 +14, SHsurreal +5, kasaix +6, Necronomicron +7, rawrdood +7, amurec80 +4, somerandomdude33 +6
Posted on 19 August 2015, 11:16 by:
Jack_love Score
Base +1, John Tank -13, SHsurreal -5, kasaix -6, grandphoenix1213 -9, Linkman70000000 -8, Necronomicron -7, Watanogiku -11, Slartiparpfast -6, The Protector -7, Raymdad243 -6, TheAbominatrix -2, PersonaFan08 -15, and 1 more...
Posted on 29 August 2015, 03:03 by:
Faulks Score
Base +7, Randomguy664 -11, Necronomicron +7, rawrdood +7, somerandomdude33 +6, John Tank +13, TheAbominatrix +2
Base +8, Randomguy664 +11, justicechi +6, rawrdood -7, jacobV -5, Watanogiku +11, amurec80 -4, thaluka -6, Luisin -7, John Tank -13, subbesnubben -6, The Protector -7, mdr33flame -3, and 3 more...
Base +3, rawrdood -7, amurec80 -4, ecuedxe -4, somerandomdude33 -6, the missing link -6, John Tank -13, PersonaFan08 -14, LaCobra -3, TheAbominatrix -2, La-Ni -5
Base +5, somerandomdude33 +6, Necronomicron +7, TheAbominatrix +2
Posted on 06 September 2015, 21:57 by:
airdemon Score
Base +6, somerandomdude33 +6, John Tank +13, Necronomicron +7, mdr33flame -3, TheAbominatrix +2
Posted on 06 September 2015, 22:56 by:
Neruko Score
Base +6, John Tank +13, TheAbominatrix +2
Posted on 07 September 2015, 01:28 by:
dope Score
Base +6, ApexPredator +12, mdr33flame +3, TheAbominatrix +2
Posted on 18 September 2015, 03:04 by:
thom90 Score
Base +5, LaCobra -3, The Protector -7, TheAbominatrix -2, PersonaFan08 -15, John Tank -14, Killer143 -7, joey1 -6
Base +5, TheAbominatrix +2, PersonaFan08 +15
Posted on 21 September 2015, 04:37 by:
theorz Score
Base +6, John Tank +14
Posted on 29 October 2015, 04:39 by:
thom90 Score
Last edited on 28 November 2015, 04:03.
Base +5, Raymdad243 -6, Kyle112 -3, joey1 -6, TheAbominatrix -2, John Tank -14, PersonaFan08 -15, Killer143 -7, LuiLama -6
Posted on 27 February 2016, 21:56 by:
Polyno Score
Base +5, PersonaFan08 +15
Posted on 28 February 2016, 09:25 by:
Etic Score
Base +8, John Tank +14
Base +6, John Tank +14, babybibibi -1
Posted on 11 December 2023, 03:57 by:
a34trgv1 Score
Base +7