Base +5, Mysterum +8, dutchlegend +2, HuskyKara +6, T3st3r +7, Daalatane -7, FemaleHunter +4, greyf0x85 +6, shellboy95 +6
Base +6, hellbolt -6, Sebbafan +7, Mysterum -8, evil_slcier +1, dutchlegend -2, gwtgsFSFfg -6, Romi the Byzantine +6, T3st3r -7, Daalatane +7, VaryEx -7, Mastermond -5, Hazeron +6, and 11 more...
Posted on 11 March 2016, 14:26 by:
danund81 Score
Base +6, pabloalcr +5, T3st3r +7, Daalatane -7, Hazeron +6, evil_slcier +1, Warrior90 +8, dutchlegend +2, FemaleHunter +4, tubo +6
Base +7, pingas007 +7, dutchlegend +2, FemaleHunter +4, greyf0x85 +6, tubo +6, Kiranta +6, FrederikJones +7
Base +9, Reikuki -17, FemaleHunter -4, Masteryasha -6, DitzyBunny +3, dontmakeasound33 -6, Dropbear667 -8, greyf0x85 -6, NoPanties -6, juice555 -15, Fellg -7, Claw111 -6, Sh@doW -8
Posted on 29 July 2016, 02:09 by:
Fieral Score
Base +4
Posted on 05 October 2016, 01:15 by:
IMNC Score
Base +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, Kiranta -6