Posted on 23 March 2016, 02:02 by:
Drksrpnt Base +6, lacus1 +7, NickKatz +4, KitchFatimah +7, Thanks +7, SayajinBeast +6, Doppler12 +4, rjimenez666 +6, Chapell +6, AsuraZero +6
Posted on 24 March 2016, 00:06 by:
limc Score
Base +9, Dark Mac -10, LegoArielFanMaster -8, Guggy -7, soulblaze69 +6, kaorok +6, Subsrulez -7, edson -10, Tremalkinger -7, Imsolo +5, Zerotation +6, titoloco -7, Bab The Great +2, and 5 more...
Base +6, Zerotation +6, SecretiveGamer +4, Bab The Great +2, rjimenez666 +6
Base +7, shadowrunner25 +7, SecretiveGamer +4, Bab The Great +2, BaneESPr +4