According to the possession tag's description the character's body is inhabited and controlled by another entity. That doesn't happen here so possession isn't the right tag. That said the character is haunted / possessed by a spirit but her body isn't under its control, only being manipulated by it.
@Nopozi There is a literal possession occurring, which implies some form of inhabitation by the entity possessing it. Also, the idol is being controlled, though it in this case it is only her senses which are controlled.
Though that is being a bit pedantic. There is no tag which specifies the scenario which you detail, and it is a pretty subtle difference which doesn't place the scenario closer to any existing tag. I suppose a "body control" tag might be suited here, but that does not currently exist.
I've seen a few uploads that would be if it from a "body control" tag actually, if I recall I even saw someone talking bait it in some comments. Whoever is in charge of that should check into it.