Posted on 17 April 2016, 17:38 by:
mootxico Base +12, Th3Fark +7, spikex99 +5, ChronoZis +3, lead21pc +6, AntiShisno +7, h3llbr1nger +5, zykyne +7, Ocelot45 +3, BlueSmoke +4, Ligera -6, duhuhuhu +6, Kuro Neko +31, and 47 more...
Base +6, h3llbr1nger +5, zykyne +7, deican +6, oneiwonder +7, mootxico +15, hybras +16, Deepestheart +4, arashinoken +5, leoshowers +6, Civilkill +6, King0Mik +1, b1ge11 +5, and 6 more...
Posted on 17 April 2016, 18:54 by:
MyraLune Score
Base +7, zykyne +7, Mal4med +5, Ligera +6, mootxico +15, qewston -4, King0Mik +1
Base +13, spikex99 +5, h3llbr1nger +5, Mal4med +5, duhuhuhu +6, Legojack +7, swordpaladin +8, DanRade +7, platewolf +9, mootxico +15, IncognitoMaud +5, hujkl +7, Ice_Cream +11, and 15 more...
Posted on 17 April 2016, 19:31 by:
時doKI Score
Base +7, spikex99 +5, Th3Fark +7, h3llbr1nger +5, zykyne +7, NoPityy +3, Ligera +6, liberius +6, Legojack +7, yearhyearh +7, DanRade +7, Machiga +7, platewolf +9, and 33 more...
Posted on 17 April 2016, 19:53 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, rynercall +7, Legylen +5, Ligera -6, rjimenez666 +5, Minstrelofmoria +6, DanRade +7, platewolf +9, mootxico +15, Feladrance +4, bananaramadama-sama +3, Vivi1993 +11, openminded20 +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 17 April 2016, 19:59 by:
Sadeyo Score
Base +6, elle_nor69 +8, mootxico +15, EvilSanta +6, qewston -4, King0Mik +1, Volttekka +6, k1llgore +7
Posted on 17 April 2016, 20:43 by:
Ayano123 Score
Base +6, Ligera -6, thevoles -6, Bonedeaths -6, Machiga -7, ChronoZis -3, mootxico +15, reziak -6, oceansama -9, PhillipOliverfields -6, Hupplez -10, =0w0= -7, Onthorm -7, and 4 more...
Base +7, Minstrelofmoria +6, DanRade +7, elle_nor69 +8, mootxico +15, subbesnubben +6, Darkelitex +6, EvilSanta +6, DrDtroit +6, pureyang +21, qewston +4, King0Mik +1, Legojack +8
Posted on 18 April 2016, 01:57 by:
galio12 Score
Base +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, swordpaladin +8, Overl0rd111 +12, Touhoufanatic +7, 151132 +7, DanRade +7, elle_nor69 +8, mootxico +15, Mal4med +5, Mangareader15 +4, Feladrance +4, reziak +6, and 31 more...
Base +7, mootxico +15, UnbelievableSpoon -6, Lucine +6, gaarahugger +1, Boshima +5, gotobedquentin -5, pureyang +21, qewston -4
Posted on 18 April 2016, 04:14 by:
Noreally Score
Base +11, Overl0rd111 +12, MD98 +5, mootxico +15, greygelgoog +7, Feladrance +4, DumpDump +6, venom17 +6, WombatPrime +6, johnhazatoth +2, EvilSanta +6, PhillipOliverfields +6, Lucine +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 18 April 2016, 05:24 by:
KaInEvIL Score
Base +7, mootxico +15, Mal4med -5, UnbelievableSpoon +6, johnhazatoth +2, rayvune +6, goofballgoofy +6, the phantom limb -7, =0w0= +7, Vivi1993 +11, qewston +4, King0Mik +1, Kiranta +6, and 1 more...
Base +5, mootxico +15, smileyrat +6, qewston +4, King0Mik +1, Kiranta +6
Base +1, mootxico +15, pureyang +21, King0Mik +1
Posted on 18 April 2016, 16:15 by:
xtmm Score
Base +11, mootxico +15, qewston -4
Posted on 18 April 2016, 23:17 by:
Senkoau Score
Base +6, mootxico +15, bbnnbbbb +7, gaarahugger +1, ART65 +6, pureyang +21, qewston -4, Kues +6
Posted on 19 April 2016, 00:20 by:
F-Xor Score
Base +6, mootxico +15, smileyrat +6, goofballgoofy +6, ART65 +6, Boshima +5, =0w0= -7, Vivi1993 +11, yukkurikeeper +6, openminded20 -6, pureyang +21, qewston +4, Legojack +8, and 1 more...
Base +6, mootxico +15, Lucine +6, goofballgoofy +6, Boshima +5, pureyang +21, qewston -4
Posted on 20 April 2016, 13:52 by:
denchan Score
Base +4, mootxico +15, pureyang +21, qewston -4
Posted on 08 May 2016, 03:40 by:
lyght Score
Base +5, qewston -4, Iexist +11, lain9 -5
Posted on 25 November 2016, 00:44 by:
lolgay2 Score
Base +8, Kiranta +6, qewston +6
Posted on 22 January 2017, 19:06 by:
srg09 Score
Base +9, qewston -6
Base +6, qewston -6, HiddenAgenda +8
Base +6, qewston +6, mnbvcxz11 +6, HiddenAgenda +8