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[omayim] Zelda Musou Set (Legend of Zelda)

[omayim]ゼルダ無双集 (ゼルダの伝説)

Posted:2016-04-20 08:57
File Size:15.62 MiB
Length:25 pages
Favorited:94 times
Average: 4.20

Showing 1 - 25 of 25 images

Posted on 20 April 2016, 11:04 by:   scrapper    PM
Score +6
these look great, I hope gifs are in the future :)
Posted on 20 April 2016, 14:02 by:   sspd077    PM
Score +5
its good to see my models being used online ^w^
Posted on 20 April 2016, 15:17 by:   Bloodly2    PM
Score +14
Why always monsters?
Posted on 20 April 2016, 18:50 by:   sspd077    PM
Score -1
because what people like to use that way better then watching them being rape by dogs or horses which u see alot that on tumblr
Posted on 20 April 2016, 23:17 by:   NiGHTS4life    PM
Score +7
Posted on 21 April 2016, 07:53 by:   dolphinslow    PM
Score +23
because you cant seriously believe a normal human could possibly be able to rape any of these girls
Posted on 05 November 2018, 18:36 by:   horny wolf    PM
Score +7
1. I think the reason why monsters , and animals for that matter, fucking women is so appealing is it presents the idea that presents the idea that the woman's beauty transcends species... that She's so beautiful that even THEY want her or can be seduced by her. As for rape, I mostly prefer either consensual, or semi-rape, and in the male force himself on the female, but half why into it, she gives in and decides she likes it. I don't like seeing women battered and beat or crying in despair during sex, I at least prefer that the woman get fucked, whether she likes it or not, and the real thing she is fighting with isn't her partner/assailant, but herself. She resists and struggles only because society insists that she be prudish and stingy with sex, telling her self that she shouldn't be enjoying it, that it shouldn't feel good, that it doesn't feel good, when in fact it DOES feel good, it feels real REAL GOOD, and she eventually decides "Fuck what everyone else will think, this feels too damn good" and really gets into it.

2. This stuff is crap and should be banned I am really sick of looking for this kind of stuff and finding it only to find everybody's junk is blurred out and then some! It's bullshit It's all just one big "fuck you" to the viewer and anybody who insists that it "just leaves more to the imagination" is an idiot who is just fooling themselves. If they want to imagine it, then they should just turn this shit off, get of their computer, shut their eyes, and pretend what ever they want as they jack off! people don't come looking for porn, because they want to imagine it, they look for it BECAUSE THEY WANT TO FUCKING SEE IT, DAMN IT!!!!

Luckily for me it wasn't a total loss.... I found a pic that wasn't censored among this trash!

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