Posted on 25 April 2016, 00:24 by:
Mirinos Score
Base +6, Ubersuntzu +34, psyburn21 +19, hZi +11, Buraku-chan +10, Ooe Kintarou +4, deathbringer_jo +7, elgringo +49, falatajion +7, zellkaiser +6, herpderp5545 +7, Kreel +6, Bio-Hazard -5, and 25 more...
Posted on 25 April 2016, 00:57 by:
Ferds30 Score
Base +5, Oblivo -6, g0su -14, mn9 -6, hZi -11, ADMIC -6, helabus -6, Orion9137 -10, deathbringer_jo -7, VanArtic -6, ss567 -6, psyburn21 +19, GO_KENTA -7, and 8 more...
Base +6, stupid army +7, Ubersuntzu +34, Kreel +6, dexetus +6, Bio-Hazard -5, bellbastard +5, Ferdinand1914 +2, kaerFlanA +5, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, moemoeko +6, Feladrance +5, DattacK +7, and 24 more...
Posted on 25 April 2016, 15:58 by:
AsianLOL Score
Base +6, stupid army +7, Kreel +6, KaTIOWa +6, bellbastard +6, pooppundae +5, Rockington +9, EdwardxD +5, deth212 +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +5, Kreel +6, stupid army +7, Bio-Hazard -5, Ubersuntzu +34, bellbastard +5, huitzipochtli +9, DattacK +7, Wilfriback -13, randomperson1 +10, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, Buraku-chan +10, sinfullkill +6, and 31 more...
Base +9, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 01 May 2016, 02:27 by:
Vivi1993 Score
Base +11, kasumi_fans +5, bellbastard +6, nowittycomment +10, Person8 +7, DonPain -6, Solipsist +6, Answyn -6, ron_hayato +6, Zantos +7, Raift +9, newguy2012a +10, blsebu +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 14 June 2016, 16:40 by:
rewdalf Score
Base +7, vini-kun +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 15 June 2016, 13:20 by:
progste Score
Base +6, L3nggao +7, sinfullkill +6, dexetus +6, ron_hayato +6, levonn +6, Zantos +7, davivico +6, rjimenez666 +6, ThatOtherYou +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, H_Neko +7, Answyn +6, ron_hayato +6, moemoeko +6, dexetus +6, ObjMan +4, Zantos +7, levonn +6, zackfrostxx +6, sinfullkill +6, arkshot +6, Limited -8, and 25 more...
Posted on 04 August 2016, 08:47 by:
Minaroto Score
Base +11, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, Zantos +7, levonn +6, Solipsist +6, bellbastard +6, Subby +6, rehinla +5, vini-kun -6, Limited -8, sinfullkill +6, stupid army +7, Shurikensei +7, nico23333 +6, and 15 more...
Base +4, Limited +8, huitzipochtli +9, rjimenez666 +6, kondoriyano -6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +5, rjimenez666 +6, Limited +8, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +7, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 21 December 2016, 04:45 by:
JZ7662 Score
Base +6, Limited +8, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 21 April 2017, 19:32 by:
3D. Score
Base +5, CXX17ABC -2, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 04 March 2019, 13:57 by:
Schmand Score
Base +4, mtoinkognito +6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Posted on 09 June 2019, 08:28 by:
Danh2221 Score
Base +6, pennywisdom_09 +6, EdwardxD +6, kondoriyano -6, Coledas Ukgent +14
Base +6, Coledas Ukgent +14, 2013kuaibo +4
Base +2, sasuke@Uchiha +6, jesusomar95 -6, kondoriyano -6, Kaworuismynigga -6, othertings -6, spectre699 -7, ghostofcristmaspast -6, shiyu +6, Coledas Ukgent -14