Is it weird that for a moment in my head I could see the first image in color.
I knew I'd seen this before. I've got the first 2 images 2009 along with what appears to be the 8th and final page. They return upset that Darka was really just using them before she really wanted arrived. They find the cow girl still there. This is old, but it is good to see all the images. I don't recall seeing anyone upload the comics Big Funnies. If it turns out no one has I will see about uploading them. I think I've got a headache. I assumed the uploader was milking us for views and I regret that assumption. It is true the first 2 images are actually old, but is also true karno seems to now be working on the comic. Because I have what looks like the beginning and the end I assumed that the comic was complete and I personally was missing the meat between the 2 slices of bread. Never would think maybe he hasn't drawn and or uploaded it. I will do some searching to be sure but for now I am facepalming and feeling like a fool.