Posted on 16 May 2016, 01:03 by:
avina Posted on 16 May 2016, 03:12 by:
Phones Score
Base +6, eset02 +7, Lostalgia +6, pnx073 +7, DarKDragonite +6, IMNC -6, Huoratron +15, Miriah +7, H-P +10, pencilfight -6, Altayrl +6, Ice_Cream +11, Gui Cogo -21, and 36 more...
Posted on 16 May 2016, 04:31 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, Paizurikin +10, pollaco +11, Miriah +7, Ice_Cream +11, phangtonk +6, Lostalgia +6, finnick8 +6, Krazylec +5, Darknessend +6
Base +12, archmancer8 +5, Darknessend +6
Base +14, Noterrelly +8, foobarz +2, finnick8 +6, Hyoros +7, pooppundae +5, Ost666 +6, Darknessend +6
Base +7, H-P -10, Oblivo -6, pencilfight +6, pnx073 -7, Civoknay +6, bobnick23 -7, Otaku Soniz -5, magness -6, Trallisan +7, maximovich -10, Kaoknight +7, soyfoy +3, and 2 more...
Posted on 16 May 2016, 07:45 by:
Deorem Score
Base +6
Posted on 16 May 2016, 07:53 by:
Thanks Score
Base +7, foobarz +2, Strange Tamer +6, Darknessend +6
Base +6, Huy +6, phangtonk +6, finnick8 +6, HentaiJew +6, Darknessend +6, Alelu07 -6
Posted on 16 May 2016, 14:15 by:
Hehaho15 Score
Base +8, Slyder +7, finnick8 +6, S4KNLT +6, OTAKU_UNLMTD +7, Demosthenes +14, Clone26 +6, Darknessend +6
Base +52, Lostalgia +6, AhKai +6, JJPG +6, Oblivo -6, fappyqaz +5, pencilfight +6, visin88 -6, Uzhas +3, Gigano_Reis +6, seeker555 -7, Refyrsen +6, Hyoros -7, and 4 more...
Posted on 16 May 2016, 16:46 by:
bGenome Score
Base +11, Gigano_Reis +6, hekko +7
Base +6, cortez the raven +6, HamburgerHelper +6, ppleless +3, Moruno +6, seeker555 -7, setsumei +8, finnick8 +6, Ooe Kintarou +7, thaysd +6, pooppundae +5, OTAKU_UNLMTD +7, gravexxi +6, and 3 more...
Base +7, bobnick23 +7, anon13 +6, finnick8 +6, Huy +6, Hyoros +7, user00 +7, magness +6, GhostofNexus +5, nightflight7 +7, Ficus xokocarpa +1, soyfoy -3, scyola +4, and 8 more...
Base +23, mmgz -5, finnick8 +6, player4578 -6