From Gimmix's Soft Carn Collection (Motion Comics). Also, it's incomplete, It's missing the last two chapters as the game simply doesn't include them.
モーションコミック 上京ナイトメア 第1話 上京ナイトメア 第2話 上京ナイトメア 第3話
Please support the creators and buy it here: It has BGMs, SFXs and an awesome voice acting (Tae-chan's voice really fits her character). It is an motion comic but it has animations (which is better than a lot of half assed hentai productions). I really recommend playing it side by side with the English translation if you don't understand Japanese.
Gimmix also have other coloured motion comics which are voiced too like Shiwasu no Okina's Sei So Tsui Dan Sha, although the older ones (like Seiso) tend to have simpler animations similar to Queen Bee animations.
Motion comics like these are my much preferred method of animating comics compared to how Queen Bee (The half assed hentai production studio I'm sure you're mentioning) does it. I wish more would go this route instead. I'd love to see some of Nagare Ippon's stories animated by Gimmix, or Carn's Otomedori.
A young girl and linda would have only an old man case of these drugged or for money. The thought of one of those old man playing sexually, she would be in despair. Because your true self makes you want to attractive young men.
What are the chances someone is going to bother adding the english translation to this and/or splitting the images? I'd probably try it myself but I would probably suck ass at it.