Base +23, DattacK +7, TheBrojangles +5
Base +2, ps3oji -6, shinatocool -8, fahmikan -7, Shouki -22, Josuke Gappy +4, Rouge・ -30, crazymagic -12, Oblivo -6, lasertym -30, dragongcr -6
Posted on 27 May 2016, 16:31 by:
MSimm1 Score
Base +37, Buraku-chan +10, milannews +30, Ooe Kintarou +5, DattacK +7, newkid555 +3, hZi +11, stupid army +7, Rolled +5, Banshee233 +1, Myzer +9
Base +6, crazymagic +12, Oblivo -6, Wilfriback +13, Ligera -6, ROBERTO2109 +5, Ooe Kintarou +5, Placeholdersmith +7, camelkid11 +6, rjimenez666 +5, Tawg +6, yawningcanoe +6, knucklesluigi +6, and 68 more...
Base +3, Ooe Kintarou +5, ROBERTO2109 +5, Myzer +9, bunnygunny +6
Posted on 28 May 2016, 00:32 by:
eggmanr4 Score
Base +6, rjimenez666 -5, yawningcanoe -6, redven -9, Aspharr101 +6, minnaraken -6, plahplah -6, =0w0= -7, BraveDefault -4, Deathglass -8, vnk -7, PersonaFan08 +16, jeff681311 +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 28 May 2016, 04:53 by:
KaInEvIL Score
Base +7, minnaraken +6, rudolfonse +10, plahplah +6, knucklesluigi +6, =0w0= +7, BraveDefault +4, onlyregistere -12, hZi +11, stupid army +7, dexetus +6, cvkz2 +5, Rouge・ +36, and 9 more...
Posted on 28 May 2016, 08:51 by:
salar Score
Base +20, knucklesluigi +6, DAsianFatass +9, Ooe Kintarou +5, vnk +7, onlyregistere -12, stupid army +7, thepeter951 +4, Wilfriback -14, Marrowfiend +7, Zantos +7
Posted on 29 May 2016, 17:31 by:
Najaja Score
Base +7, stupid army +7, Wilfriback +14, Marrowfiend +7, rjimenez666 +6, Zantos +7, Mr.Awesomeness +6, Thefreeman9001 +6
Base +6, visin88 -6, hZi -11, SiG +7, =0w0= -7, stupid army -7, cvkz2 -5, Rouge・ -30, Zeddal -6, Miriah -7, Master_Chef -5, don45 -6, Colonia -6, and 4 more...
Base +6, hZi -11, SiG +7, =0w0= -7, stupid army +7, Rouge・ -30, Zeddal -6, ankwchi -21, bellbastard -6, HonorableShogun -6, soulblaze69 -6, FJoker -7, melsant +2
Posted on 01 June 2016, 14:00 by:
bitcomet Score
Base +8, cvkz2 -5, ROBERTO2109 +5, Zeddal -6, Marrowfiend -7, rjimenez666 +6
Base +8, kwajalien -12, fula_flight -7, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Krowbarr -6, ankwchi -22