Base +8, Undeadcynic97 +5, chark_x49 +7, aqwa30 +6, Flan-chan +9, sangaz +6, Beane +7, Fragmandk -5, Tamaki-Kousaka -8, Randomguy664 +12, TikiFish -5, yggdraga -9, bggm +22, and 16 more...
Base +18, 小飞鼠 +8, chark_x49 -7, aqwa30 +6, Beane +7, 38220013 +6, yggdraga -9, LoveAnimation -6, Tooi -10, somerandomdude33 +6, Sabinka -7, ElisaG -2, ZarisaHime -8, and 3 more...
Posted on 01 June 2016, 05:42 by:
austen Score
Base +7, Beane +7, yggdraga -9, somerandomdude33 +6, strippinheat -9, AngelRipper -6, Knuckleduster -7, ElisaG -2, bluecyclone -6
Base +2, aqwa30 +6, Tamaki-Kousaka -8, yggdraga -9, bggm +22, strippinheat -9, Knuckleduster -7, ElisaG -2, bluecyclone -6, MadMoxxxi +4, Chaskacub +15
Base +6, aqwa30 +6, 38220013 +6, yggdraga -9, bggm +22, somerandomdude33 +6, strippinheat -9, Knuckleduster -7, rurikoko +6, ElisaG -2, Thijolo +6, Rakned +1, MadMoxxxi +4
Posted on 01 June 2016, 06:19 by:
yuiwa Score
Base +6, yggdraga +9, PixelBaby +6, Tooi +10, somerandomdude33 -6, strippinheat +9, Knuckleduster +7, rurikoko +6, Royalitiger +4, ElisaG +2, bluecyclone +6, SCOTFIELD +6, MadMoxxxi -4, and 1 more...
Base +5, Dagoth Gares +4, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, yggdraga +9, konakona71 +6, Anonyslime +8, AngelRipper +6, rurikoko +6, ElisaG -2, primeemu16 +6, legolas01 +7, hcxangel +9, Randomman24 +5, and 1 more...
Base +5, yggdraga +9, PixelBaby +6, somerandomdude33 -6, Sabinka +7, strippinheat +9, AngelRipper +6, Knuckleduster +7, ElisaG +2, CommieGhosts -6, legolas01 +7, bluecyclone +6, NebulaMaster +2, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 June 2016, 12:21 by:
zantaroo Score
Base +6, yggdraga -9, bggm +22, strippinheat -9, Knuckleduster -7, ElisaG +2, ZarisaHime -8, darkr22 -6, Chaskacub +15, user2024 -1
Posted on 01 June 2016, 17:06 by:
Murmurus Score
Base +9, Tooi -10, AngelRipper -6, Knuckleduster +7, ElisaG +2, user2024 -1
Posted on 01 June 2016, 18:40 by:
zen_zen Score
Base +20, Tooi +10, strippinheat +9, warcraftdude +8, Knuckleduster +7, Royalitiger +4, ElisaG +2, MadMoxxxi -4, user2024 +1
Base +5, Sabinka +7, strippinheat +9, Knuckleduster +7, ElisaG +2, ZarisaHime +8
Base +7, Knuckleduster -7, ElisaG -13
Posted on 20 April 2017, 07:38 by:
柚子gogo Score
Base +1
Base +6, ElisaG -18, Chaskacub +15, nikos3194 +6