The 'Wing' Gundam transforming into a tank, rather than something, anything, capable of flight. Wut. (Nor am I completely sure about Heavyarms turning into an immobile pistol. Sure, it makes sense from an aesthetic standpoint, unlike the Wing, but not definitely not from a combat one. I mean, it's not even a proper gun-emplacement or turret, nor does it seem that anything would be able to wield it...but I bet that Sandrock-Magnac could make a good attempt.) I do like the Mercurius shield and Vayeate rifle, though the scale makes the whole thing a bit weird.
On a whole, I'm not completely sure how to feel about this book. On one hand, some of these designs are quite good (and I got a good laugh out of Deathsythe) and it's always good to see more Tallgeese (THE CURE FOR CANCER - IS TALLGEESE)), but the other it kind of feels like a particularly egregious affront to my childhood. (Which consisted of one part Gundam Wing, two parts Pokemon, and Pi parts Animaniacs...amongst others.) Hmm...
Not sure how I feel about these designs and the transforming aspect doesn't really fit imo. I mean it works for Wing so it can fly in Neo Bird form but the rest is kinda lame, I mean Shenlong literally turns into a dragon...
Base +6
Posted on 20 September 2016, 21:41 by: Magnat Cleo
Score +7
I'm wondering what Wing Gundam transforms into by itself, since Wing Lander requires Mercurius and Vayeate.