@drilbit I wouldn't be surprised. It's not beneath Alkarsuki Dou to leave a work open ended whereas he never allows a "perfect" ending. There's a reason why in the heyday of Touhou doujins he was known as its grimdark edgelord, the Touhou urobutcher if you will.
Except for the cooking manga, that one is pure diabetes and this is the closest he's come to that since.
My personal two cents: unless there is gonna be a third part where Reimu ushers in the general appocalypse the tonal whipplash near the end is completely unnecesary. It feels rushed and certainly could have been executed better. It doesn't matter if the rest of the story had been cliche because the art and execution had been superb. It would be very saddening if Asatsuki Dou only made that ending to fill pages and to maintain his reputation for dark stories.
This is the final for happy part for this story. The worse start after this.
It have a continue on his omnibus book. It is proven that this is a bad end story because he said that if this story continues, it is going to be the "end of gensoukyou." (And the end of his touhou works too(?) if I read it correctly) So yeah, it isn't for maintaining his reputation.
Hey Eternal Dream! I really love the works you translate and the work you do. If you want, after you translate the text but before you put it on the comic, I could edit your grammar. Message me here if you're interested! Or comment here? I don't really know how messaging works here...