I seen the first one I do not know why the hell I'm here again...maybe I like to give myself nightmares or something.........(the fucks wrong with me and this comic) good art anyway.
Oh, I'm just an all powerful magical being that had someone confess to murdering my sibling. Hold on, let me let them explain things instead of using magic to snap their neck, or beat them with this rolling pin, or teleport them to the moon. Jesus fucking christ people if you write a story like this and want people to actually feel something, don't be an idiot with the characters. And don't say, "She was too emotional" when you get mad you don't become complacent to listen to the killer talk, you fucking beat them to death.
Lost all of my interest at pages 5 and 6 Yeah, hold her with a rolling pin to interrogate her. It's not like Luna could hold Pinkie with magic so she couldn't move a muscle, that would make Luna (the princess that controls the freaking moon) look a bit too powerful.