Base +13, lollercup +6, meatyllamastick -6, Syfer22 -8, Fededickp0rnlurker -8, Wosh +7, McCrispy -8, brokenmonitor -7, ploopz -6, Mewmatic197 +7, kendoendo -1, jazma -10, UnTalJantonio7vLeL +6, and 22 more...
Base +1, lollercup +6, Goodpeople -5, Strykerius +6, Necronomicron -7, Fanki -7, psovivian +7, ButtpirateSR -5, MastodonT +9, Marisa Kirisame -7, xLucia~ -6, demonfou -9, rawrdood +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 16 October 2016, 05:33 by:
oni-k Score
Base +6, demonfou -9, rawrdood +7, LtJacobKeyes +5, MehMeher -8
Posted on 18 July 2017, 09:34 by:
UWin Score
Base +10, DoctorGhostpants +5, ChickenSoupAlltheWay +9, RyuZU.. -5, TheHiddenOne1 +6, LtJacobKeyes +5, Helldemon +8, MehMeher +8
Base +6, Burmyking42 -6, MehMeher +8
Base +1, LtJacobKeyes +5, MehMeher -8