He actually has been releasing new books as well as previews for "Ari, Nari, Soshite Aru" these past few years its just that they don't get scaned or translated (and thus made more visible to the fandom). In his most recent blog post he mentioned that he had no plans on releasing another preview and all he had left to do is redraw (and probably rewrite) a portion of it and it would be completed for full release. I just hope he finishes before another Madoka anime comes out because he is going to be all over that when it does...
Here are two sample pages from the "Ari, Nari, Soshite Aru" preview books he has released: http://file.percol.blog.shinobi.jp/arnr20.jpeg <- from Preview Book #4 (which is being redrawn) http://file.percol.blog.shinobi.jp/arnr18.jpg <- from Preview Book #3 (which is being redrawn)
Here's his blog: http://percol.blog.shinobi.jp/
He recently started a twitter too: https://twitter.com/kyomoneko_2
Might as well link his pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2958