Title: "Somehow my girlfriend grew dog ears and a tail, but what should I do?"
Chapter 4 was translated with the help of someone who is more fluent in Portugese than English.
Chapter 5 was a jab at the idiots who kept asking me for webcomic raws so they could "scanlate" themself.
Chapter 6 was what true geniuses like Da Vinci do to conceal the best parts from unscrupulous readers.
Many translators do the chapter and lazily skip the omake at the end. I was even lazier and skipped Ch 7 and did the author's short April Fools omake. (They were all released out of order.)
Btw, since the girl throws a fit and cusses him out, I was thinking of watching some Jerry Springer episodes and then localizing it in angry Ebonics, but there would have been a lot of typesetting. (I also found a guy on Nairaland forum who had translated Naruto chapters into local Nigerian pidgin with MS paint, and I tried to get him to help me, but he was too busy trying to find work.) So I just skipped it, and no one even noticed there was a missing chapter.