Posted on 19 November 2015, 01:18 by:
Rubbery Score
Base +6, Not-Phen0xyethanol +2, Gentleman Chimera +2, Bud_1911 +6, NomNom99 +4, 1qazqaz +6, rdac -7, rajkumar7777 +4, BNPeanuts +6, cbdyourmom +7, raysson -7, Vodhr +5, Faulks +7, and 6 more...
Posted on 24 November 2015, 03:32 by:
jmmora Score
Base +6, oneiwonder +7, Gentleman Chimera +2, Bud_1911 +6, trotrotro +6, Senor Pwnage +7, 1qazqaz +6, rdac -7, Not-Phen0xyethanol +3, Circle0Trick +5, rajkumar7777 +4, Faulks +7, raysson -7, and 4 more...
Base +6, Gentleman Chimera +2, Bud_1911 +6, Amphiprion -4, asdfest +5, Black Lion 5991 -6, Senor Pwnage +7, PastNoon -3, 1qazqaz +6, rdac -7, Evilsj -6, rum_bear -5, keiprox +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 25 November 2015, 10:46 by:
Sippycup Score
Base +6, Beane +7, Gentleman Chimera +2, Murderbot +10, Souloname +7, Bud_1911 +6, getalife +6, Merizimpower +5, errata +6, cg3985 +6, DoctorJekyll +4, asdfest +5, blagblag +7, and 28 more...
Base +1, errata +6, isno +6, DoctorJekyll +4, Black Lion 5991 +6, Senor Pwnage +7, rdac -7, ThunderKurono +10, Anonynmous +6, FarkyMac +5, MasterSorrowBorn +5, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3, and 2 more...
Base +8, Black Lion 5991 -6, rdac +7, jonhddd +6, ElementFD +23, wafflesiobpib -5, Anonynmous +6, raysson +7, sailornasheed +6, hobofrog +6, PrivateSkittles +5, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3, and 1 more...
Base +6, Anonynmous -6, PersonaFan08 -16, raysson -7, Doombeez -6, DwarvenRivendell -6, hobofrog -6, daswolfman -7, Garocker -5
Posted on 17 March 2016, 18:51 by:
if21 Score
Base +6, otakuman486 +8, nameress +6, isno +6, Kouji Kabuto +5, Black Lion 5991 +8, crystalbabee +6, raysson -7, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3
Posted on 04 April 2016, 00:30 by:
Brufh Score
Base +7, FarkyMac -4, seb_amiens +5, TheClemenable +3, jfragrettel +7
Base +6, Faulks +7, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3, Junior Ranks -1
Posted on 04 April 2016, 08:43 by:
csw2661 Score
Base +6, DonTheDonborg +9, RomulosAmbrosious +6, Nemeroth +6, crystalbabee +6, hobofrog +6, DanRade +7, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3, Goofy1 +6, Junior Ranks -1
Base +6, fakeuser002 +6, Zakarion -2, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3, Junior Ranks +1
Base +6, daswolfman +7, jfragrettel +7, TheClemenable +3, Junior Ranks -1