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[Messina] The X Factor (Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman) [English](Color)

Posted:2016-08-21 14:34
File Size:3.26 MiB
Length:7 pages
Favorited:125 times
Average: 4.47

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 images

Posted on 21 August 2016, 16:30 by:   7086945    PM
Score +30
question: can Batman even do anal with Wonder Woman? Can his human genetial penetrate WW's god body?
Posted on 21 August 2016, 20:17 by:   Abyssdragon    PM
Score +32
Just when they were all ready for DC it turned MARVEL! Do the porn directors not understand comixxx?
Posted on 24 August 2016, 08:19 by:   Cyndrus    PM
Score +37
Of course he can. Because he's Batman.

Serious though: it's not like he's drilling a new hole in her or anything. Also, Wonder Woman's not as invincible as you might think. She can take a beating, but there's a reason she blocks and deflects bullets instead of letting them hit her.
Posted on 02 November 2017, 12:41 by:   Chup@Cabra    PM
Score +20
I"ve always thought of all the 'bullet proof' people this way: While their skin can't be penetrated by any kind of sharp object (generally), their skin still has the same flexibility as normal people, just a Ungodly High breaking point.

That way, when someone bumps into Clark Kent on the street, they don't feel as if they have just ran into a steel statue of a person.

So, that being said, Wo Wo's boobs, booty, and nether regions are just as soft and supple as a normal persons, just make sure she doesn't clench or kegel too hard while you are up in there, you may come out a Eunuch ^_^

Also, remember, in this story they are making a 'Cosplay Porno" ala Axel Braun. Its nice to see Messina draw some actual 'known' characters for a change (there is one comic where he does a parody of 'Big Brother', and it has very good likenesses of Sarah MIchelle Gellar, Allyson Hannigan, and whoever it was who played '7 of 9' ^_^

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