Base +7, mendickantBias +6, Ice_Cream +12, nameress +6, sissam +6, lostsheep +6, lolxd23 +7, Askhandar +7, Millennial +7, Simonsayzhigh +6, Iroald +5, a_n_shanks +6, letum1 +5, and 50 more...
Posted on 22 August 2016, 19:47 by:
svines85 Score
Base +30, Ice_Cream +12, lolxd23 +7, sammysolo +6, FutaWrangler +2, DarioEmpio +6, Rglass +5, Porokichin66 +7, Trooper400 +9
Posted on 23 August 2016, 03:08 by:
arkot Score
Base +9, lolxd23 +7, letum1 +5, 123ostmaster +5, bombertroy +6, sammysolo +6, NarueMoon +6, UnknowDestroyer +7, Henriquo +6, FutaWrangler +2, bogox +3, nowittycomment +11, xino +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 24 August 2016, 16:46 by:
Tomzai Score
Base +6, Drakaru +7, Scary Monster +6, PhillipOliverfields +6, Zerotaku37 +4, OIC +6, Kizuro Shirosaki +6, Dorseen +5, kiwino +4, Porokichin66 +7, Trooper400 +9
Posted on 10 September 2016, 03:36 by:
Okinichi Score
Base +5, Scary Monster +6, Zerotaku37 +4
Posted on 15 December 2016, 20:56 by:
whatews66 Score
Base +6, moemoeko +6, Evilkingstan +7, kiwino -4, AshLockke +6, lewd_meat -5, rockarolla +6
Base +40, langer +9, Dorseen +5, noname31 +6