Synopsis: Based on the erotic game by Waffle. Sanjou Maki is the girl living next door to Sakonji Seiichi. She appears to be well-bred, gifted with both beauty and brains. However, one night, Seiichi sees her masturbating on the veranda... Maki easily admits that she's a dirty girl and jokingly suggests to Seiichi that she should be blackmailed into being his sex-slave.
Comments: Animated gifs and stitches from Maki-chan to Nau all episodes. Making/merging a new gallery because someone has problems with the previous galleries. Episode 4 focuses mainly on bondage, SM and anal sex. Seems pretty vanilla to me despite Maki's suggestion in the synopsis - her usual delusions i guess. (And there goes my google top result, sigh, life sucks)
Animated gif from 2-135, stitches from 136-195.
Some images that are not in 480px are not mine. Others i discarded because of watermarks/low quality. I did include some just to make it complete/for comparison. Stitches that are in png are not my own, while a few of those i stitched have slight stitching errors as it was made while i was starting out. Unfortunately, i don't have the time to restitch.
I think it was cruel of them to show a outfit on the box, that was never used for more than 15 Seconds.... it is the one in the right hand corner of the cover art. Literally a Teaser... and bait. It does look like someone caught it though, it is shown for like 3 seconds... T.T sad really it is a good outfit. Number 8 I think it is Not sure.