Found a downloader so as requested added twipple stuff, checked for dups but if something is left would be nice saying the numbers and I'll remove on next update
Hey! I don't know if it's something normally used or anything, as I registered just for this, but the artist has a Twipple (what I presume is a gallery of everything they've posted on Twitter) filled with other images, a good deal of which are macro-related.
The site itself is..messy, on my device, and it doesn't contain more of their 'finished' art, as most of it are sketches/rough versions, but there are a few good images that definitely aren't on their Pixiv, ranging from birthday gifts to other macro-artists to Futas, so..Mostly just curious whether you could append the unique images to this gallery, or some such?
@ ScarletSecret Thank you for showing me this, didn't know it even existed. If it's possible to batch download them like I do with the other stuff, they'll be added in next month update. Any suggestions are welcome