Posted on 15 September 2016, 12:56 by:
kid07 Score
Base +6, VyceSin -6, zen111 +5, rocketm +6, pokgai -7, lolful64 -6, Majextic -7, archpandae -1, readcream -4, raysson -7, den1019 -6, TheProphetian -6, no_one_11 +9, and 14 more...
Posted on 15 September 2016, 14:53 by:
Reaper950 Score
Base +5, zen111 +5, stabbybelkar +7, CatgirlFanatic +6, pokgai +7, NomNom99 +5, lolful64 +6, jaked223 +16, MARC0 +6, archpandae +1, raysson +7, den1019 +6, no_one_11 +9, and 9 more...
Posted on 15 September 2016, 15:44 by:
kid07 Score
Base +6, pokgai -7, vernalcash -7, junhezhin -8, shrike13 +7, kingwolf -19, lolful64 -6, archpandae -1, den1019 -6, somercet +6, 8bitdahpandah -6, clockbot -6, raysson -7, and 5 more...
Posted on 16 September 2016, 14:21 by:
Banatine Score
Base +7, Kiranta +6, NomNom99 +5, Dima979 +5, StonedGamer +8, D u b b y +9, archpandae +1, iceymyst157 +6, somercet +6, darkwing42 +18, Rift564 +6, clockbot +6, stalin fangirl +5, and 2 more...
Base +6, Kiranta +6, archpandae +1, raysson +7, somercet +6, alkhgfladg +4, clockbot +6, stalin fangirl +5, Futasaurus Sex +11, crystalbabee -6
Posted on 30 September 2016, 17:38 by:
GoldenKat Score
Base +6, Kiranta +6, Elias85 +6, archpandae +1, EtherealSoul +6, somercet +6, clockbot +6, drustrevi +11, Futasaurus Sex +11, MyOpinionIsRight +5, crystalbabee -6
Posted on 02 February 2017, 17:02 by:
celemed89 Score
Base +1, all41 -7, Adi Tetac -8, Spideyguy -9, asdasd135 -6, 8bitdahpandah -6, zeropi0 -7, clockbot -6, Random521564684 -4, stalin fangirl -5, Cyrilin -7, Futasaurus Sex -11, badabimmbadabumm -4, and 3 more...
Base +40, MyOpinionIsRight +5, DaisyChains +2
Posted on 05 August 2017, 14:55 by:
mimiho Score
Base +5, Futasaurus Sex +11, MyOpinionIsRight +5, crystalbabee -6