Posted on 06 October 2016, 00:19 by:
Palaxius Base +24, Denjiro +14, White Joker +19, JSG16 +7, RedGryphon0 +4, zeh_lp +15, p187 +7, primeemu16 +6, Chinro +6, SnapDragin +6, as102 +9, FlatChested +7, Silver206 +7, and 40 more...
Posted on 06 October 2016, 02:00 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +19, Chinro +6, bronze +6, Grunt Arbiter +8, Superstevefive +6, kishidakyoudan +1, Tadsapon +6, Ice_Cream +12, LegendaryT +7, kestrelcoatl +9, Imsolo +6, Avandemine +6, Rod_Perv +6, and 9 more...
Base +9, terminator8000 +7, Superstevefive +6, Ice_Cream +12, Imsolo +6, Limited +8, Porokichin66 +5
Base +14, MaruNiichan +4, ZeroDrako +6, terminator8000 +7, Superstevefive +6, Ice_Cream +12, Imsolo +6, Rod_Perv +6, Porokichin66 +5, jere512 +6
Base +16, Kuroganemaru -6, PervyNeko -5, Firefer20 +10, cyrukus -5, terminator8000 +7, starr -6, Superstevefive +6, Harvest13 +3, Lolibunny -6, sauerkraut -15, sonnytag123 -7, molten1 -9, and 6 more...
Base +6, terminator8000 +7, Superstevefive +6, Ice_Cream +12, Imsolo +6, Rod_Perv +6, Porokichin66 +5, SoDomizer8207 +5
Base +7, terminator8000 +7, Superstevefive +6, SoDomizer8207 +5, Rail vehicle fan +6
Posted on 06 October 2016, 03:03 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, terminator8000 +7, Superstevefive +6, kishidakyoudan +1, SkullDraecos +4, F_O_G +6, Rail vehicle fan +6
Base +6, primeemu16 +6, kendoendo +2, Abweichung +6, terminator8000 +7, Superstevefive +6, Ice_Cream +12, Porokichin66 +5, MarsTourist +5
Base +5, terminator8000 +7, coleccionista903 +6, Superstevefive +6, Ice_Cream +12, Limited +8, Porokichin66 +5, Honzla +6
Base +10, terminator8000 +7, GlaciesGlace +2, darklord1235 +8, Chinro +6, Superstevefive +6, kishidakyoudan +1, Ice_Cream +12, savaris +7, Vivi1993 +13, anonbj +7, Porokichin66 +5, Masterzero +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 06 October 2016, 07:40 by:
KaInEvIL Score
Base +7, terminator8000 +7, GlaciesGlace +2, Superstevefive +6, BigBoss771 +5, Limited -8, Altgear -8
Posted on 06 October 2016, 08:07 by:
Kaneko Score
Base +6, Thragg12345 +6, Superstevefive +6, Nitramy +6, Blackcloud288 +6, Altayrl +6, hitmanlvl54 +4, kestrelcoatl +9, knowup +6, Mr.Sparkman +6, Fenl1 +6, FireSempaii +4, Ayylmao123 +5, and 13 more...
Posted on 06 October 2016, 08:44 by:
Tod-Engel Score
Base +14, Superstevefive +6, kishidakyoudan +1, Blackcloud288 +6, Vivi1993 +13, sir_laharl +4, Porokichin66 +5, firestoneishot +6
Posted on 06 October 2016, 11:15 by:
PepeFrog Score
Base +4, Superstevefive +6
Posted on 06 October 2016, 11:23 by:
PKLove23 Score
Base +6, Superstevefive +6, J2B +7, Limited -8
Base +7, Superstevefive +6, Rail vehicle fan +4
Base +6, Fenl1 +6, Thragg12345 +6, Rail vehicle fan +6
Base +9, Ice_Cream +12, sonnytag123 +7, kestrelcoatl +9, J2B +7, Tadsapon +7, Rail vehicle fan +6
Posted on 06 October 2016, 17:47 by:
Mazaroth Score
Base +6, strippinheat +9, J2B +7, Vivi1993 +13, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, WaRiUr +9, Rail vehicle fan +6, SoDomizer8207 +5
Posted on 06 October 2016, 21:27 by:
vdate Score
Base +8
Base +6, Fenl1 +6, Rail vehicle fan +4, MSTallgeese +6
Posted on 07 October 2016, 03:02 by:
Noreally Score
Base +13, Limited +8, Porokichin66 +5
Posted on 21 November 2016, 09:12 by:
Pumpking Score
Base +6, Palaxius +33, Porokichin66 +5, JerichoWall2398 +2, sonnytag123 +7
Posted on 08 September 2017, 01:12 by:
OMJay Score
Base +6, Retconner +6, Rail vehicle fan +6
Base +2, Italian guy -6, calipo -6, Marcefox -8, MSTallgeese -6, SkullDraecos -4, Darksoul0 -26, Seretis -6, Johnny W. -5, Ketanor -4
Posted on 31 May 2021, 23:39 by:
Euphory Score
Base +11, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, lonewanderer101 +7