Posted on 10 October 2016, 04:55 by:
Rokehe Score
Base +13, coleccionista903 +6, the missing link +9, Gim-Li +10, jfragrettel +7, Long1 +6, Forseon +7, KolmZato +6, TheOldDeus +4, sable1 +21, ennui0234 +8, moemoeko +6, sockmans +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 10 October 2016, 05:23 by:
shousan Score
Base +5, jindoko90 +6, the missing link +9, goni09 +7, Gim-Li +10, jfragrettel +7, TheOldDeus +4, sable1 +21, moemoeko +6, EonLeader +6
Posted on 10 October 2016, 05:27 by:
nabusco Score
Last edited on 11 October 2016, 07:04.
Base +7, coleccionista903 +6, jindoko90 +6, Dynellen +35, Wilfriback +14, MechWarriorNY +7, jfragrettel +7, Ch3n9 +5, TheOldDeus +4, sable1 +21, AzureTime +6, moemoeko +6, mizzigianni +6, and 1 more...
Base +9, darkivat2nd +6, Wilfriback +14, jfragrettel +7, TheOldDeus +4, moemoeko +6, MACZ2021 +6, EonLeader +6
Base +7, TheOldDeus +4, moemoeko +6
Base +8, Bengon -5, Decibull +7, CPR +6, MonteZedio +6, Obika +5, Hyoros -13, therandomshit -6