Did you know there's a family of ants in the Amazon rainforest which has evolved to draw manga for the queen? http://manga-ch.jp/sd/page/title/00003a9p/?volume=1
And i thought that most korean web/phone comics had like the worst layouts out there, this ... a page for every single panel .... plz tell me you didnt pay for this man specially at that resolution
what a great waste they only sell mobile version: http://s.accessbooks.jp/content/00327956.html some sample here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57800352 hopefully they will release full version tankoubon like the preceding series: http://www.dlsite.com/books/work/=/product_id/BJ018105
@HKE was done for free dude, and yeah mobile manga has shit resolutions, some of the pages seems better because it's actually 4 pages/panels edited together. just sharing the first chapter since there's samples for chapter 1 floating around.