Posted on 16 October 2016, 01:05 by:
catsithx Score
Base +9, Kael Hyun +8, QnecroV +5, ArchGabriel +1, thatfunnynewportguy +7, NekoNakamaru +6, voidnull +6, 8bitdahpandah +6, weidenritter +9, Orengestar +6, UnbelievableSpoon +6, Nataniel +6, Cressent67 +3, and 20 more...
Posted on 16 October 2016, 04:32 by:
RobDollar Score
Base +6, 8bitdahpandah +6, liberius +6, weidenritter +9, fillin +6, vox_vis -7, Nataniel +6, Cressent67 +3, F-O-X +6, Minstrelofmoria -6, Lord Ekul +8, Taxouck +5, Fefox +4, and 29 more...
Base +9, fillin +6, Orengestar +6, liberius +6, UnbelievableSpoon +6, Nataniel +6, Cressent67 +3, F-O-X +6, Lord Ekul +8, Fefox +4, Pami -6, smileyrat +6, Pokehollow +7, and 5 more...
Posted on 16 October 2016, 15:53 by:
Kilves Score
Base +6, Orengestar +6, SpencerPootis -7, Nataniel +6, F-O-X +6, Lord Ekul +8, Fefox +4, jkezer +10, Pami -6, tehdude -7, Meyguhmein +5, asheevee -6, Zoinks +6, and 14 more...
Base +7, neodec +9, Pami +6, asheevee +6, smileyrat +6, liberius +6, Pokehollow +7, Lapsa -6, RipSnorting +5, bigblackD -13, dememes +2, Endgame2025 -6, TheDragonRider +3
Posted on 17 October 2016, 04:20 by:
melekain Score
Base +7, neodec +9, Pami +6, asheevee +6, smileyrat +6, liberius +6, Pokehollow +7, Masterfuck77 +6, Lapsa +6, arnauf +6, Thefull5 +1, dememes +2, Endgame2025 -6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Lord Ekul +8, Taxouck +5, kikicholi +6, Shupuu +6, Orengestar +6, jkezer +10, Pami -6, tehdude -7, smileyrat +6, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, asheevee -6, liberius +6, and 18 more...
Base +9, Lord Ekul -8, Onthorm -7, Shupuu -6, MedNed -6, Orengestar -6, Miko Neko -7, Vampsoldier -7, jkezer -10, Pami +6, A Modest Espeon -15, asheevee -6, snapples64 -8, and 5 more...
Posted on 18 October 2016, 02:17 by:
FarkyMac Score
Base +6, Pami +6, asheevee -6, Minstrelofmoria +6, smileyrat +6, liberius +6, Pokehollow +7, MedNed -6, Lapsa -6, copperpup -6, evgei -8, bigblackD +13, kirinii +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, Wolvien -6, Striborg +14, asheevee +6, Minstrelofmoria -6, Hentai Provisions -7, danund81 +6, Pokehollow -7, Treniac -6, MedNed +6, SpaceNinja -7, Lapsa -6, copperpup -6, and 13 more...
Posted on 20 October 2016, 23:35 by:
Nixonitus Score
Base +6, Waycores +1, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, asheevee +6, KrystalKross23 +6, smileyrat +6, Pokehollow +7, Treniac -6, Lapsa -6, Kokachin +3, SpencerPootis +7, copperpup -6, evgei -8, and 7 more...
Base +6, Treniac -6, MedNed +6, qewston +5, Lapsa -6, copperpup -6, evgei -8, Schramm_13 +6, SonanX +3, Crimson_King +8, yksedez -8, dememes -2, Endgame2025 -6, and 3 more...
Base +6, BlaiseThePhoenix +6, liberius +6, tganimation6 +5, xxzindxx +6, Treniac +6, hurrahharry -6, qewston -5, Lapsa +6, Kokachin -3, Deknoy -6, copperpup +6, Livid Cock +7, and 9 more...
Base +7, Livid Cock +7, dememes -2, Endgame2025 -6, TheDragonRider +3, Konola +7
Posted on 17 April 2019, 03:32 by:
somercet Score
Base +8, dememes +2, TheDragonRider +3
Base +9, yksedez +8, dememes -2, TheDragonRider +3
Base +6, Treniac -6, villadelfia -7, yksedez -8, dememes -2, Endgame2025 -6, Matthew W. +6, shadowreapert -6, HandyxRandy -6, TheDragonRider +3, Konola +7, Iiam64 +6, Estifur -6