1-8 Barbecue - Lady Mamba vs Nalani The black woman Nalani wants to get out off Lady Mamba´s roster.Mamba wins. 9-17 Bloody Quarry - Melanie vs Scarlett to be the new presenter off Hot Brawlers Melanie with the black hair wins. 18-25 Melanie vs Nikita- Melanie with the black hair wins a hard hitting fight. 26-34 Asian tigers vs Jungle cats - Mimi & Karin make up the Asian tigers while Jungle Jane & Nikita make up the Jungle Cats.Asian tigers win a nice fight. 35-41 Drug Dealer - Margret vs Scarlett,Margret in the black wins good beat down at the end. 42-51 Drug Dealer 2 - Margret vs Scarlett rematch Scarlett was not happy about the stuff she bought a fight down the stairs and out side and some broken windows Scarlett wins.