Description and world lore from the artist: “What kind of wars would be fought between giant nations with lots of breast fighters?” “What would a breast combat cold war be like?” “To what ends would countries go to win breast combat?”
Long story short: I got an idea for a Breast Combat Cold War stuck in my head, and it wouldn’t get out. So now this is happening.
On March 3rd, 1944 at the height of Boob War II, a single Boobie* from the League of American States arrived in Tokyo and issued a challenge for all-open Breast Combat against the Empire of the Eternal Sun. Insulted by the hubris of the Americans, the Emperor sent forth his most buxom Onna-Boobeisham* to crush the Yankee contender in a 15-on-1 showdown.
* Boobie = common slang for an American Breast Fighter * Onna-Boobiesham = Upper-class Japanese Breast Fighter
What no one could have known was that this American was no ordinary Breast Fighter: She was the world’s first Woman with Massive Dimensions - a scientifically enhanced Breast Fighter capable of expanding her tits to gigantic sizes. As soon as combat began, all 15 of the Empire’s most bountiful Onna-Boobeisham were hopelessly smished - Along with the audience, the judges and the entire arena. In one confrontation, the Yankee Breast Fighter had captured Honshu and ended Boob War II.
The Woman with Massive Dimensions shocked the world: One WMD could defeat an entire roster of Breast Fighters double-boobedly! Other countries desperately began developing their own WMDs to safeguard themselves against American aggression. On December 25th, 1945, the world was shocked again when the Kremlin unveiled it’s own WMD... Capable of achieving a size TWICE as large as her American equivalent! With the European Royal Alliance divided into pieces from the madness of Boob War II, people could only watch as two boobular superpowers - the League of American States and the Federated Communist States - plunged into a frantic breast race.
Despite their inherent danger, research into bigger and bigger racks continued. By the 1960s, Breast Combat between two WMDs could flatten a small country, leaving nothing for the winner to claim. Come the 1980s a single Communist Baboobshka* could crush half of Europe under her bosom if she fully deployed. The damage caused by WMDs in Breast Combat posed the very real danger of smothering all life on the planet: This threat of Mutually-Assured Smishing forced both the Americans and the Communists to keep their WMDs as deterrents, only to be deployed as a last resort in Breast Combat.
*Baboobshka = common slang for a Communist Breast Fighter
Panic gripped the world last month when the Kremlin unveiled “Little Zasha” - bearer of the world’s first and only pair of Infinite-Class Boosted Mammaries with no maximum boob size. Not only can Zasha easily defeat any conventional challengers with her immense size, strength and gravity-defying perkiness, but American scientists fear that - if Zasha were to deploy her ICBMs - she would tit-fuck the Earth in a matter of seconds... Then proceed to fill out the known galaxy!
The League of American States condemned Little Zasha as an abomination, a terror weapon and a war crime, claiming her perkiness is only possible through boob modification surgery banned in the Breast Conventions of 1948. A team of Swiss doctors from the World Breast Organization, however, concluded that Zasha is 100% all-natural with no implants of any kind.
The world stands on the brink as the Federated Communist States deploy Little Zasha to her first Breast Combat tournament. Will the Russian Bear be able to keep herself under control, or will the Communists’ obsession with size spell doom for Earth?
As much as I usually encourage imagination in artists, I've also always thought some ideas aren't meant to be shared. This hurts my head and eyes to look at and read.