Posted on 30 October 2016, 03:42 by:
mitosupa Score
Base +7, Yossarian762 +7, hotdog22 +8, Mr.Pencil +7, firedragon89 +11, jmenez -6, Zolnerowich +7, fiestyferret +2, jfragrettel +8, shuntensatsu +15, DiedrichVK +7, Entei Nevermore +6, ex7 +6
Posted on 30 October 2016, 04:00 by:
Noreally Score
Base +13, Yossarian762 +7, izpekopon +17, prawan +14, Rolled +5, LatexBoobs +10, void-stealer +6, Ice_Cream +12, Saloz +6, Lostalgia +6, Mr.Pencil +7, ShiroiYami +6, IncognitoMaud +5, and 23 more...
Posted on 30 October 2016, 04:37 by:
rediat Score
Base +6, izpekopon +17, Rolled +5, dragon94 +7, Mr.Pencil +7, jmenez -6, Palaxius -30, jfragrettel +8, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Posted on 30 October 2016, 04:41 by:
Hakrei Score
Last edited on 30 October 2016, 05:06.
Base +19, dragon94 +7, GuroLover12 -10, yukkurishite +11, jmenez -6, jfragrettel +8, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Base +16, jmenez -6, Zolnerowich +7, jfragrettel +8, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Posted on 30 October 2016, 08:02 by:
ik9 Score
Base +5, jmenez -6, Zolnerowich -7, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Posted on 30 October 2016, 08:07 by:
Mirinos Score
Base +7, OkitaSouji +9, Rolled +5, dragon94 +7, lolland +8, chiakisan +20, jmenez -6, jfragrettel +8, Agent Bun +9, Tyranite -6, ex7 +6
Base +6, yukkurishite +11, Rolled +5, cld_bak +6, Lunnette -6, Saloz -6, Toffu +1, Mr.Pencil -7, Thulia51 +4, firedragon89 +11, Smashproof +9, Gim-Li +10, Dark Mac -11, and 17 more...
Posted on 30 October 2016, 17:25 by:
AnonB-kun Score
Base +4, jmenez -6, P0lenen +4, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Posted on 30 October 2016, 19:40 by:
jimmeh21 Score
Base +5, firedragon89 +11, jmenez -6, see-eff +6, jfragrettel +8, Darknessend +6, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Posted on 31 October 2016, 11:25 by:
Bubbason Score
Base +6, Tripfriend1 +4, firedragon89 +11, jmenez -6, fiestyferret +2, jfragrettel +8, ex7 +6
Posted on 18 April 2017, 13:02 by:
Damoriel Score
Base +6, jmenez -6, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6
Base +8, jfragrettel +8, Darknessend +6, DiedrichVK +7, ex7 +6