Posted on 17 November 2016, 07:36 by:
moonflow Score
Base +40, Red of EHCOVE +52, tororeho2 +6, Ranzu02 +6, Anime Janai +14
Posted on 17 November 2016, 09:08 by:
PepeFrog Score
Base +4, Captian Katsura -7, Red of EHCOVE +52, shinRei_YaGaMi +6, chcommunity +18
Posted on 17 November 2016, 12:31 by:
Z.G. Score
Base +9, Red of EHCOVE +52, Anime Janai +14
Posted on 17 November 2016, 22:39 by:
elgringo Score
Base +51, Red of EHCOVE -40, ioctl -7, simplesimon32 +28, 25kk +40, PersonaFan08 +16, shinRei_YaGaMi -6, Draw99Gray +14, Erelzen +5, Anime Janai -14, redeyes -6, Shank +27, Nezu +28, and 3 more...
Base +10, Red of EHCOVE +52, Anime Janai +14
Base +32, Red of EHCOVE +52, Anime Janai +14
Base +6, Red of EHCOVE -40, The Inker -8, Shinko.Aelith -17, KazeZeroL +4, Dnkz -40, Hitsuyou-H +28