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Posted:2017-04-27 04:13
File Size:552.9 MiB
Length:331 pages
Favorited:751 times
Average: 4.32

Showing 321 - 331 of 331 images

Posted on 03 March 2015, 17:02 by:   MSTGMA    PM
Score +191
Oh hey, another gallery that keeps vanishing despite not being on any official prohibited lists...
Posted on 01 May 2015, 16:49 by:   Runeless    PM
Score +202
Am I the only one disappointed that this isn't porn of the FOE's from Etrian Odyssey? Anyone?
Posted on 06 June 2015, 04:26 by:   TB26    PM
Score +83
@Runeless: You're not the only one buddy. I was looking forward to the RPG not my little pony. D:
Posted on 07 June 2015, 05:59 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +90
Blame the people that got this gallery expunged a while back, because before it had a proper title.
Posted on 22 June 2015, 18:01 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +118
I still don't understand why people truly hate this, it's like they didn't thought it would happen, I mean I like all the porn about MLP, but I'm bored at all situations are all lovey-dovey, this is a really nice change.
Posted on 25 June 2015, 11:43 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +40
negavamas, most people dislike it because it's terrible OC fanfiction and nothing more. If you followed the tumblr pre destruction, you'd know that the caribou are immune to magic because of their armor, and took over because the crystal heart was corrupted, despite the fact that in canon there's no mention of what the crystal heart DOES. (Apart from destroy a two bit villain as a macguffin) So the driving force behind the whole "Equestria is enslaved!' concept is terrible, and the creator themself does not care either, and they've said as much many times over. Despite this, there's several groups dedicated to the "universe" of Fall of Equestria who are under the same delusion that I think the Twilight saga has tweens under, that because it fulfills their specific set of desires it must clearly be good.

And I would like to point out to the uploader that not every image that Replica draws involving gangbangs, rape, and body writing, is related to Fall of Equestria. Replica just happens to like that stuff, so a good sum of your content isn't actually FoE. It's just random OC arts.
Posted on 27 June 2015, 21:50 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +201
Wait, this whole ``FoE destruction´´ is because FoE didn't respect canon story and rules?! What?! Are you all mental?! You didn't liked a non canon fandom that was an EXCUSE for making porn?! Unbelievable. Also, everyone has their own cup of teas, everyone has their own porn fetishes, mine are extreme because it doesn't hurt anybody in the real world, saying ``you are a horrible person´´ because you like certain type of porn is just too low.

By the way, thank you for explaining the whole situation, it is very hard to find information about this whole mess if you don't know where to start.
Posted on 28 June 2015, 20:39 by:   KainBrain    PM
Score +120
Frankly, I'm amazed that the background story for this is even half as coherent as it is. It's an excuse plot, but the fact that there is an excuse plot (and that most of the artists contributing to this have this as one of their fetishes) means that this image set can grow and develop over time, compared to most one-off images or image sets that don't have as strong a theme to tie them together.

The thin thread of continuity between these images (which promotes continued growth over time) and the attention to detail (if there's a bookcase, then every book has a written title in line with the setting) are pretty unique factors that separate this from other r34 I've seen over the years, and I think that's something to be proud of.

There are a huge number of people who hate this just because it's r34, or because it isn't softcore, or because it isn't lovy-dovy-cuddly sex, or because they just want something to publicly spew bile at, so they pick a target that everyone hates so they can get to be praised for their verbal diarrhea.

Frankly, you'd see that most of the comments on the images, of those who fetishize being in the setting, fantasize being in the slave's role, since their lives are mostly defined by sex, while the guys in the setting do other stuff. When you're in to mood to fap/schlick, You're looking for situations where your existence will be defined by sex, at least for a little while.

This is also the only image series I remember seeing where there's been brutally violent revenge pictures being drawn. Not sexualized "the whole world is themed around sex, and here's some fetish stuff happening right now" pictures, but "let's show people suffering painful injuries while others gloat about it" stuff. Those are the kinds of pictures where people are trying to make a point and say something about how they'd like to act in real life, and that's *actually* rather worrying. The two kinds of images are not comparable.

I've seen parodies of the mouthpiece images, but those were jokes done for humour.

Also, the language of this pack should probably be switched to English.
Posted on 15 July 2015, 04:41 by:   FieldsOfWeed    PM
Score +88
Who knew horse words could cause so much comment drama.
Posted on 15 July 2015, 05:39 by:   jawhawk700    PM
Score +110
Shut up you SJWs and your tumblrs! I'm trying to whack it here!
Posted on 17 July 2015, 14:13 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +82
No, FoE was removed from tumblr because it breaks the ToS of tumblr. Regardless of what people say, these anthro images are close enough to humans to count, and there are several images that feature "Clearly underaged characters" and so the blog was removed for loli content, as most porn is nowadays. All three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders are in here, along with several other filly characters being portrayed as children. Should have just aged them up.

As for the story, it's stupid, and if you're just here for porn, I am okay with that. Be here for porn, but don't be one of those complete tools that thinks the "story of Fall of Equestria is good!" Because it's not. It's blatantly for porn to such an extent that even the creator doesn't give a fuck about the plot holes other than the ones on the characters. The problem with the FoE fandom (Apart from stealing FOE as an acronym from Fallout Equestria) is that half of them think there's some kind of brilliant story here, and it's just fucking smut. There are some people who worry me when they're like, "I like this a lot and this is what I fantasize about happening" but generally I don't give a fuck. I'm offended because the story in your porn is fucking atrocious and you should feel bad that something that is basically barely coherent turns you on. The content is less offensive than the creator's no fuck giving attitude about the universe they created, and the mindless drones that think it's great.

"blakfayt, you're a faggot and I hate your words! Words make my brain hurt, summarize so I don't have to read!"

...Okay, calm down internet.
tldr, tumblr blog was nuked for hentai CP, as many other sites have been lately. And the story of FoE is what is offensive to anyone that wants to use a braincell, the content is typical fetishistic schlock.
Posted on 16 August 2015, 22:30 by:   rwpikul    PM
Score +82

You mean the underaged pictures that were only ever on the original version of the tumblr and had been removed from there well before it was shut down? After the first few, all the loli pics were only posted to Derpbooru even when there was a FOE tumblr..
Posted on 16 August 2015, 22:44 by:   eqalidan    PM
Score +70

I can completely understand all the hate that it gets. a majority of the art that falls under the banner FoE as a fairly unapealing art style. at least when it comes to drawn porn, for me artstyle could make me love something i hate content wise, while a bad artstyle could make me hate something i would love. i FoE they have actual rape (not that rape tag with a happy expression half way though) and a constant theme of abuse but most people can't get behind from a content point of view. granted looking at one of the posts here that treats these characters as if they are real people and should be given real people rights, there is probably a lot of hate that is unwarranted bitch fits.
Posted on 07 October 2015, 07:00 by:   raikusensei    PM
Score +76
Even on the hentai site: F.O.E.!
Posted on 07 October 2015, 13:10 by:   Badrasta    PM
Score +143
>was looking for Fall of Eden art
>found brony rape art
the rage in this thread is priceless though
Posted on 13 December 2015, 03:11 by:   JuankiMan    PM
Score -68
The problem with this garbage is that it's not hentai rape. This is rape played disturbingly straight, complete with torture, pain, suffering and permanent scarring, both physical and psychological. Normally I'd say "to each his own", but I personally find the fact that people find this arousing to be deeply unnerving and I can't help but find it absolutely abhorrent.
Posted on 14 December 2015, 08:19 by:   rwpikul    PM
Score +65
@JuankiMan: What you need to remember is that the intended audience, (and most of the people making it), are hard-core femsubs. TO the point that one of the artists has said that she would love to be placed in a real public use scenario[1] but knows she cant because in real life it would be both illegal and impossible to do in an SSC[2] way.

[1] For those who don't know: You see the pics where a mare is restrained in the town square for any passing male to use? That, but in Times Square or something.

[2] Safe, Sane, Consensual: The underlying rules for anything you actually do in BDSM, (or sex at all really). If it can't be done SSC, you have to keep it to your mind, paper and the computer screen.
Posted on 15 December 2015, 01:03 by:   JuankiMan    PM
Score -27
@rwpikul Maybe I'm being close minded, but I simply can't fathom how pain, not the erotic pain of BDSM but actual physical and emotional agony and mutilation, could possibly be found titillating, even if it's a work of fantasy. It's the same as how I simply don't get why Guro exists.
Posted on 15 December 2015, 08:11 by:   rwpikul    PM
Score +88
@JuankiMan: Remember that turn-ons are not rational but the core of many submission fantasies is the loss of control. For some, that reaches the point of not just being dominated, going beyond to the point of not even being a person but an animal or even an object.

It's the physical/psychological equivalent of submissive created 'brainwipe' MC content.
Posted on 30 January 2016, 19:01 by:   sameo15    PM
Score +4
That girl in 212. Damn, I would love for such a sweet, obedient thing to be fine.
Posted on 28 February 2016, 22:13 by:   MalusCorvus    PM
Score +0
I don't know if this would shed any light, but here's my take on it:

There are some disturbing and weird fetishes out there, but I've long since learned not to judge people by them. I didn't really choose to like what I like (though I certainly enjoy it), and I don't generally begrudge others for their kinks. I also don't neccessarily care much if artists make pictures involving their kinks with characters who probably would never wind up in that situations. It's fine, it doesn't need to be justified.

What bothers me is when people TRY to justify it, and do a terrible job of it.

The whole situation, at least what I unfortunately understand of it, really seems like bad OC fanfic if not trollfic. It requires a whole load of changes to the existing canon of MLP, and even to the very premise. It goes against basically everything the show stands for, at least to me. To make matters worse, there are people - the artist included, I think - that think the whole thing makes sense and DEFEND it, which just compounds the stupidity. If the artist had just kept it to pics and not tried to build a whole... I hesitate to call it a mythos... around it, I wouldn't have cared so much.

There's also the matter that I have a high degree of empathy and so characters I care about - or even strangers - suffering is not something I easily get pleasure out of. And for whatever reason, sexism and rape really make my blood boil.

Also, @rwpikul, I like how SSC enters into the process of that artist's fantasies, which tells me that she doesn't want the EXACT situation the mares are in. She can't, because the way the scene works is that the mare is very much against it (or so I understand), and if the artist wants it that's not going to be a factor. This ties into what I've heard about a number of people who have rape fantasies, that the situation they envision is highly idealized, frequently with someone they would cheerfully consent to consensual sex with, and it's very much different from most actual rape scenarios.
Posted on 24 March 2016, 02:55 by:   hchan1    PM
Score +73
Y'all care way too much about the backstory for pony porn.
Posted on 24 March 2016, 10:47 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score -18
@hchan1: I hope in saying that you're not one of the people who complain about OC's then, as that is caring about the backstory in porn. Any attempt to defend FoE as anything other than self insert fanfiction is wrong at the outset of it's defense, and there are people who think this is genuinely good writing. And that's what gets annoying. If this gets your jollies, fine, but don't say it's anything but over the top fetish, not an "interesting and creative universe to explore."
Posted on 25 March 2016, 02:45 by:   deamon-flea    PM
Score +22
Ya know when i saw the title i immediately assumed fallout equestria or that fall of eden game, Not exactly this nor people arguing about some pony porn though from the comments it appears to b wrong type of porn. So does this mean it'll b purged again?
Posted on 25 April 2016, 08:21 by:   MalusCorvus    PM
Score -37
@blak: Good writing?! That, THAT is why I hate FoE. That's fucked up beyond all measure, and also really confusing. Like, what are they comparing it to?
Posted on 15 May 2016, 01:06 by:   Exit 9 From Exeter    PM
Score +65

my man

my dearest, closest friend

my comrade, brother-in-the-same-soul

no one fucking cares
Posted on 26 July 2016, 19:17 by:   xushuo01    PM
Score +18
Geez..i thought this FoE meens "Fallout Equestria "
Posted on 02 August 2016, 12:50 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +38
I've always seen that as FE or F:E.
Posted on 15 September 2016, 07:17 by:   The Yaoi Mistress    PM
Score -21
Wait! this has a story?? what? what the hell?? Is this how fetishes' works??

And you are right, this looks like a bad fanfic.

Am I the only one who read hentai because the story?
Posted on 16 September 2016, 20:00 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score -22
@Exit 9: Funny, there's like four other people who are discussing the story elements of this bad fanfiction, so obviously people DO care. What you meant to say is that YOU don't care, and are slightly upset that other people find it interesting to look at something for other than the most base purposes.

And MalusCorvus gets the prize on this one, folks! That's a good summary of why this shit is really annoying. It points to the source material and gives it the bird in every sense imaginable, and people go, "BUT IT'S REALLY INTERESTING!" It's the same as if you went, "What if Harry Potter, but magic didn't exist!" Just make your own thing then and stop using someone else's stuff. If your change involves not an alternative interpretation, but outright "So, this doesn't work like that, and this never happened, and" then just don't use that source material! The only reason this series got made, if I had to guess, is that the original creator had an idea, and Friendship is Magic just HAPPENED to feature an extensive female cast. If they had watched the upcoming Wonder Woman movie, or were into Greek mythology instead, it would have been about the Amazonians being conquered. When you start making entire changes to how the universe works, just stop.

Okay, hang the fuck on. Those last two pictures are NOT RELATED TO FoE IN ANY FUCKING WAY. Those are WhiteKitten commissions and take place in his own fictional universe where Celestia is a woman hating futa that enacts laws that claim mares as cumdumps and meat toilets. You can't just add any random rape pic and say it's FoE. I hate both series equally, but if you're going to call this gallery Fall of Equestria you can at least make sure the pictures you use are IN THAT SERIES.
Last edited on 01 October 2016, 20:39.
Posted on 22 November 2016, 13:17 by:   Hawkx1    PM
Score +23
Wow Scootaloo must've done something good since in one picture she has her wings
Posted on 08 December 2016, 02:25 by:   imercenary    PM
Score +9
I don't follow FoE stuff, but I'm pretty sure some of this is just OC stuff.
Posted on 08 December 2016, 03:28 by:   darkwolf23k    PM
Score +6
Honestly, if it wasn't for the mutilation of horns and plucking of wings, I might actually like this. Maybe.
Posted on 08 December 2016, 12:03 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score -9
You're right, imercenary. Several of the newer images aren't FoE at all. In fact, if it doesn't say FoE or "Abandon All Hope" it's most likely not related, as artists like to clearly tag those two because they start arguments on Derpibooru and they want the FoE content filtered as fast as possible for those that block it.
Posted on 26 January 2017, 04:23 by:   dfist45    PM
Score +2
i like these pics
Posted on 12 February 2017, 05:36 by:   Master Marius    PM
Score +7
I added some extra photos in my torrent
Posted on 20 March 2017, 03:11 by:   xopita500    PM
Score -16
End of see this And I think that my brain has cancer
Posted on 27 April 2017, 19:52 by:   Dafez2    PM
Score -7
Once time i was as many tha tcommented, I saw this as filthy and inherently evil. BUT
Sooni realized that on most part i just jumped on a bandwagon, just to feel on the "right" side of the question.
And i also wondered: "Exactly how is FoE any different from any, ALL, of bdsm fiction, stories, hentai, pictures, comics? Stuff that i've perosnally enjoyed, and that is on this site and no one minded.
So anime gilr being raped number 3456 is ok but anthro ponies not?
Fansadox comics are kosher but the same exact plot applyied to fictional ponies is not?
Horikawa Gorou is praised as great author pennig similar stories, aaaandd ponpak is considered the evil incarnate?
EXPLAIN ME WHY FoE is worst, because is either ALL OR NOTHING !!
Posted on 05 May 2017, 14:55 by:   kimmy_psione    PM
Score +17
@Defez2 It's not that any of these images are terrible. Most people just don't like how the people that make this stuff act like asshats about their creations. Either they are overly defensive about it, or they try to justify the setting with arguments or stories that are pure nonsense when you take a moment and think about it. If FoE had zero context, it would be more acceptable than the crap plot line presented. Personally I enjoy the images, and even worked on FoE projects myself for the guy in charge (my own pony is the one depicted on the cover of this gallery), but I got sick of the attitude of the group fairly quickly. And it's not that people like Ponk and Wishy and several others are terrible people, but just like in RL, if you associate yourself with someone or something awful, people are going to immediately assume you are the same. I might be off base, but I think it is telling when the artist of the newest image (the ember one) doesn't want their identity revealed. Funny when someone like Whitekitten is more acceptable with his delicious murder porn by people than your own poorly conceived setting.
Posted on 13 September 2017, 23:40 by:   NiGHTS4life    PM
Score +1
How did this came to be? All I see is what I call the Feminist Nightmare.

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