Base +12, chemicalmew +1, ayate +1, thugonomics2 +6, juki +7, faytT -6, Unidentified04 +4, Ny8mare88 +7, b5221849 +2, shinn3956 -7, Grayson88 -6
Posted on 03 April 2010, 22:10 by:
hbased Score
Base +6, ttaz -6, supyloco -6, thugonomics2 -6, KingMe42 -4, NailB +9, faytT -6, Ny8mare88 -7, J_Howard -8, chumimi -4, X-Ura -8, bloodydeath666 -7, CommanderTato -6, and 3 more...
Base +2, rjdofu -7, thugonomics2 -6, KingMe42 -4, NailB +9, faytT -6, magiclamp -9, Ny8mare88 -7, J_Howard -8, Scud422 -7, chumimi -4, X-Ura -8, kenburton20 -6, and 4 more...
Base +1, 1115time -4, Scud422 +7, X-Ura +8, kenburton20 +6
Posted on 20 December 2020, 11:44 by:
SINOd Score
Base +2, AB007BA +8, a-wea2013 +6