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[Artist] - Akairiot

Posted:2017-08-30 03:59
File Size:342.1 MiB
Length:484 pages
Favorited:568 times
Average: 4.51

Showing 361 - 400 of 484 images

Posted on 30 August 2017, 03:59 by:   Supaijin    PM
Uploader Comment
So I made the comment in this gallery (/g/948189/6c8e55e6ef/) that I noticed that every image in it uses the lower quality _1280 uploads rather than the higher quality _raw. I also said that you'd have to go by hand just to find all his work and recreate the gallery wordinhorse has.

Well that was basically nearly 24 hours ago, and look where I am now.

So the headsup is that sadly not everything here is an _raw, specifically any image that was DMCA'd. So they'll either have an _1280 next to them or none at all (cause I have a secondary archive of my own with these).

The first few inline are from ask responses or an image response to another post Riot made himself or to another person. There are probably duplicates, but for the sake of archival, I'm leaving them in

All of this is from Akairiot's Tumblr. None of it is from Twitter cause Twitter compression algorithms are terrible and thus make for a terrible place to archive your art.

I failed to put his art from yougottahavebluehair blog because I couldn't really get my hands on all of it yet, but I would like to for the sake of completion.

Also there's nothing from his Patreon because in the overlaps there, the stuff he uploads is of a high resolution, and sometimes in PNG format, and thus a worthwhile reason to go and give him a dollar or five on his patreon. (But I would vastly enjoy it if he had a more proper gallery for his art that isn't twitter)

Riot, if you're reading, or if someone's directing you to this, I implore you find a new place for your art to call home that isn't twitter. Twitter's nice and all, but the compression is just garbage.

Please consider donating to this talented man at his patreon here
Posted on 27 September 2018, 16:04 by:   枯树昏鸦    PM
Score +33
Thank you for uploading
Posted on 23 July 2023, 05:54 by:   Brassa    PM
Score +7
Thanks for the work you put in.

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