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[Hakaba] Kedamono no Ie (Gekan) [English] {}

[墓場] けだものの家 (下巻) [英訳]

x3n0  PM
Posted:2018-04-13 00:58
Language:English  TR
File Size:445.0 MiB
Length:211 pages
Favorited:3084 times
Average: 4.54

Showing 121 - 160 of 211 images

Posted on 13 April 2018, 00:58 by:   x3n0    PM
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uploaded by anon in 4chan
Posted on 13 April 2018, 02:15 by:   Hakrei    PM
Score +110
Quite a twisted story that ended happily.. Extremely rare for Hakaba's works, but great overall
Thanks for uploading the whole tank
Posted on 13 April 2018, 02:57 by:   Krowler    PM
Score +115
Oh boy, English version! The wait is over, thanks!
Posted on 13 April 2018, 03:44 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +30
Wasn't there an OVA on this? Admittedly, I might be getting this mixed up.
Posted on 13 April 2018, 04:04 by:   Kode-Dekka    PM
Score -100
Completely bullshit ending. Dumb blond bitch deserved to be tied up alongside the other one and messed up for the rest of her life, but gets away with everything she did (including indirectly murdering her best friend's mother) and lives happily because those guys who spent a year raping a girl and her mother all of a sudden aren't the type of people who rape. Meanwhile Daichi is hesitant to kill or even beat the shit out of the ringleader behind all this, but all of a sudden is more than willing to hit her after he lets his girl get stabbed, but not for all the rape and the murder she just committed 5 minutes prior. Kanna should have stabbed the bitch to death instead of leaving it to her incompetent boyfriend. Meanwhile the village will keep doing what its doing, and none of our characters will give a shit as long as its not them being hurt this time. The only one you'd think deserves a happy ending is Kanna, but she just up and forgives the person who tortured her for a year and decides not to leave that awful village so she deserves anything that happens later.
Posted on 13 April 2018, 04:45 by:   DJjames    PM
Score -100
Well that ending was shit. NTR and rape usually always has dumb ass plots to begin with, but this one was pretty up their in how dumb it actually was. If you don't care for story and just want the sex, there are better ones out there.
Posted on 13 April 2018, 05:54 by:   DarrenC123    PM
Score -100
I agree with Kode-Dekka, because the ending would have worked if the mother hadn't been killed. She was just so calm despite her mother dying in front of her eyes. Like seriously, way too calm. Attempting to murder that trash is perfectly rational, forgiving other people however, is not rational at all. And at that point, I would have gone on to kill all the others, because they are just as guilty. There's this weird vibe where they make it as if the village changed for the better, the bald dudes suddenly prefer raping the guilty bitch over the innocent bitch. Also at the end, did all the bald blank face people just die off or something and thus the village becomes peaceful?

I started reading this from when it first started translating and my heart went to shreds while reading through, I kept hoping for a good ending, but this good ending was just too illogical and out of left field. Unfortunately, it made no sense for a story that has been at least somewhat logical so far with who does what and what results from those actions.
Posted on 13 April 2018, 12:34 by:   Gale!    PM
Score -100
.... I see people talking about the ending but the whole story was kinda bullshit from the beginning?

Like at what point did any of this story really make sense? Someone got stabbed and everyone still thinks "I need to get my rocks off"? ... Uhm... Okay? The teacher dude confesses his love for Rumi but somehow doesn't mind her becoming a sacrifice?

Like it might make a modicum of sense if they at least held the funeral(s) for the dead people first, but apparently no. We want sex right now. ... I've seen plenty of dumb hentai plots, but I think this is the first one that is just confusing rather than just forced.
Posted on 13 April 2018, 15:45 by:   knolli    PM
Score +249
People complain how stupid the plot is, but to me it makes an aweful lot of sense.

The central conflict here is that the mistress of the house is above the law. She already got away with murder once and even called out publicly on it did nothing. In such a corrupt society, demanding justice will only see you locked up in a cell for 10 years.

1.) That teacher has no fight left after he spent 10 years in prison for rebelling against the system once. He is broken and powerless. What Kode-Dekka asks is that he simply repeats his story of misery and make the exact same mistake twice.
2.) The boyfriend, too, has learned in chapter one that it is futile to rebel against the established tradition. When he is reunited with his girlfriend he believed dead he is also not thinking clearly because all his guilt is boiling up. Not leshing out at the murderess takes a special type of courage, but it is neccessary to stop the otherwise endless cycle of revenge.
3.) The villagers and their horrid tradition of systematic group rape is to blame in my opinion. But how do you change a long-standing tradition? Old structures are the hardest to break. You can't put them all in jail because there would be nobody left to feed or even guard them.
4.) The mistress is the real villain, I think we can agree on that. She killed three people and attempted murder twice more, manipulated and plotted behind the scenes to make her own life better at the costs of everybody else. She deserved just punishment, but her victims taking bloody revenge is just vigilantism, not justice.
Posted on 13 April 2018, 18:40 by:   Dante Kazama    PM
Score -100
I don't understand why you guys Translate Manga that have Average Quality Art ??
There's A LOT of manga with Marvelous Artist that haven't translated...
Posted on 13 April 2018, 22:13 by:   Jaytriqz    PM
Score +20
I have waited so long for this all to be translated
Posted on 16 April 2018, 01:08 by:   JoeCoolSoe    PM
Score +29
Kode-Dekka: "blond bitch indirectly murdering her best friend's mother"

Haha, and you being born to this world is indirectly making Hakaba write this story that the blond bitch indirectly murdering kanna's mother. I think it's called dragonfly effect or something like that, I watched it in steins;gate. Yes.
Posted on 16 April 2018, 04:41 by:   johngalt13    PM
Score +8
Am I crazy, or was stuff cut from both stories?
Posted on 21 April 2018, 11:09 by:   abscess    PM
Score +27
Oh wow!
Not good fap material, but the "story" is great!
Its levels of retarded bullshit, forced drama, nonsensical situations accompanying porn with subpar art that wildly swings from "nice" to "the fuck am I looking at?"...! I got a good laugh!
TENOUDDATEN would read again (no i wouldn't)
Posted on 28 April 2018, 14:22 by:   jin21    PM
Score +20
Moral of the story - dont choke mothers in front of daughters ...
Posted on 02 May 2018, 14:18 by:   archdevil0    PM
Score +2
Am I crazy, or was stuff cut from both stories?
Posted on 09 May 2018, 11:16 by:   whatadamn    PM
Score +0
pretty happy they did it thay way. Kanna is really soft hearted like we see previously, she never hate Rumi even when tortured by her. She eventually choose the forgiving way rather than revenge. that mistress is not shown in the last chapter so we can assume whatever justice put on her
Posted on 30 July 2018, 06:06 by:   Loki The Flameshield    PM
Score +7
First part: Happy ending! Second Part: ...Ah...I don't think I can fap to this. Wtf
Posted on 28 August 2018, 06:27 by:   崩坏学院    PM
Score +15
Posted on 26 September 2018, 18:57 by:   Lexyz    PM
Score +37
I wish there was more of sensory deprivation kind of stuff like on page 179 and onward. everything taken away from you and need to rely on someone else forever...
Posted on 04 December 2019, 17:54 by:   Jenkitsune    PM
Score +7
Second half of "Beast House".
The two chapter story "Private toilet" starts on page 159.
Great stories with unique plots characters and situations.

Art 8. Plot 8. Sexiness 8. Translation 7. All out of 10.
Posted on 27 April 2021, 10:20 by:   Ilyia    PM
Score +7
What a pointless flashback. Why even show that short flashback where Rumi was going to get raped if you didn't intend to actually show her first rape and defloweration?

No Knolli, you are wrong. The problem here isn't the setting but rather that there are too many things left unexplained.

1. The teacher Soh was not sent to prison because he spoke out against what was happening, he was sent to prison because he attacked the assailants physically. The issue here though is that we are never told exactly how this came about. Even if all the rapist involved testified against him and lied, there would still be Rui testifying against them. If she was just raped that one time she would not have been mind-broken already, so why would she have betrayed her love interest? This makes you wonder if the cops on the case were also involved, but that does not really work since they would be just a small village so why would they even have cops that lived there?

2, In other words, is this rape tradition something that existed in all of Japan? maybe there are some missing chapters that suggest this, but there really isn't anything in the story that suggest this being the case. The story itself seems to suggest that at least Kanna was surprised about the rapes and so was the main male lead.

3. Even if say for instance the whole of Japan was involved in a rape tradition, what about the rest of the world? Contacting news agencies across the world would have blown the lid off of the rape tradition and Japan in this story would have been forced to stop their actions... unless the whole world has this rape tradition? which makes even less sense.

4. So no, the issue here is that there are some obvious plotholes that are just glossed over and never explained.

5. Vigilantism? I also hate revenge fetishes, however the problem here is not Jumiko but rather the rape tradition itself. Killing Jumiko would just be the first step. Once you have established yourself as the next leader of the village or whatever, then you plan and plot. Get some weapons and then murder every single rapist in the village. Justice? Revenge? No, the point here would be to get rid of the real issue and that would be the rape tradition itself.
Posted on 24 June 2023, 22:52 by:   Xerxis    PM
Score +8
I do not understand the author's notions of justice. Daiichi, who was deceived by Rumi and who did not know that his friend was alive, is somehow blaming himself for what happened. Rumi, who betrayed her friend out of jealousy and was going to live happily ever after while Kana rots as a sex slave, has not suffered any real punishment. She became a sacrificial maiden, yes, but that doesn't compare to what Kana, who lost everything, went through. Not to mention the fact that she was still treated much better than Kana, who wasn't even considered a human being. Apparently this is how things work in Japan.

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