Not currently, but at the current rate Vita emulation is progressing, you should be able to around 5-10 years from now. You can play the first game on PPSSPP, but only the version that is missing a character and 75% of the CGs. For PC, try 陵辱×タワーディフェンス 種付け中出し雌奴隷化で異世界救済. It's a tower defense RPG with punishment scenes. If you're just looking for a decent PC RPG with sexy characters, try 萌えっ娘もんすたぁ鬼畜3RdX+eb, Milky Quest, Dungeons and Dolls, Rance 02, Rance 5D, Rance VI, or just mod Darkest Dungeon.
Base +7, 美城第六小学 +8, battlecry`s father -8, AhumanRS +20