Posted on 30 December 2018, 02:46 by: BamBlackStar
Score +62
Artist: naughtygal style b
Also this is quite the disapointment, i expected it to be about 200 pages (text version) because there was 3 of them, but it ends up being the shortest of all of his 5 works and not only that, this was suposed to be released 3 months ago, but it didnt, 4 to be honest, around september then the date of release was changed to october, and then nothing, not even an anouncment
I just cheked, and there is a total of 8 images, not even close to his previous work wich had 13 images, his second and third have 20 images and his first work have 30, wow, and to put matters worse, it seems like he downgraded, his previous work alone is my second favorite, but in here the details that makes it more apealing arent there, much less their reaction, this is quite a letdown since i really like this artist