Base +2, Cattapratta +7, LaviRoux +6, Lolipedo +3, theoreticalfox +4, vorehound +8, Magrinho5 +15, Lisan +6, theboredotaku +6, wowfapper -4, reallydontcare1 -5, Ensei Sohryu +7, BigNose +7, and 286 more...
Last edited on 29 March 2015, 09:45.
Base +18, tazmanian devil -26, Dropbear667 +8, vorehound -8, Flame Ryu +19, x34 +6, XiTRAiN +7, C h a n +10, eqalidan +7, Noterrelly +6, wowfapper +4, Budda001 +6, Peyotl +6, and 308 more...
Last edited on 20 April 2015, 07:21.
Base +8, samm1e1 +10, Bio-Hazard -4, Noterrelly +6, theboredotaku -6, luigi161 -6, JackProwler -6, Cattapratta +7, icebreak1524 +6, Hilarity +6, Etic +7, Captian Katsura -7, Rice Forearm +1, and 64 more...
Last edited on 29 August 2015, 17:44.
Base +6, tavion66 +5, frios +6, Otium +6, Cattapratta -7, Etic +7, watwatwa +6, Sippycup -6, jonniecage +6, Captian Katsura +7, dansk +6, faulkn -6, warmth +10, and 665 more...
Base +6, Ver Greeneyes -9, Cattapratta -8, Etic +7, watwatwa +6, TreadedWater -6, tavion66 +5, warmth +10, Abyssdragon -6, FieldsOfWeed +5, Hvze +3, Captian Katsura -7, jonniecage +6, and 466 more...
Posted on 24 July 2015, 15:55 by:
y23y ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, Cattapratta -8, Etic +7, watwatwa +6, tavion66 +5, warmth +10, fffh +6, wai333333 +6, FieldsOfWeed +5, Captian Katsura +7, jonniecage +6, Otium +6, frios +6, and 231 more...
Posted on 26 August 2015, 21:29 by:
Demonius ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, Etic +7, Cattapratta -8, warmth +12, Captian Katsura +6, Shardsblargh +6, Otium +6, gravalpea +7, nsaiswatching +3, TheGameBoy50 +6, Maximum_Joe -40, irage88 +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, and 220 more...
Posted on 28 August 2015, 10:16 by:
googler11 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, LegOfLamb +5, frios +6, Etic +7, warmth +12, Old Lickaroo +4, Captian Katsura +6, Shardsblargh +6, FieldsOfWeed +5, TANKUP +6, F-O-X -4, Otium +6, founoe +6, and 407 more...
Posted on 11 September 2015, 10:13 by:
EnvyD ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +7, Kihokki +5, jennamilena +5, frios +6, Otium +6, Captian Katsura +6, hank_ +5, F-O-X +4, ThunderKurono +8, Etic +7, tavion66 +5, flips +3, Maximum_Joe -40, and 128 more...
Posted on 14 September 2015, 06:13 by:
Zeikfried ![Contact Poster PM](
Last edited on 16 September 2015, 08:30.
Base +12, warmth -12, F-O-X -4, tigoi -6, gravalpea -7, tsuruya +7, PersonaFan08 +14, Shinryu-Rex +5, DeathSpecs -6, AsukaBestGirl +4, TANKUP -6, Dooderz +8, Maximum_Joe -40, and 194 more...
Posted on 17 September 2015, 08:31 by:
kryori ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +17, F-O-X -4, Captian Katsura +6, Etic +7, Otium +6, tavion66 +5, frios +6, flips +3, irage88 +6, metalgearkhan +4, Shinryu-Rex +5, AnonSpooky +11, FieldsOfWeed +5, and 170 more...
Posted on 18 September 2015, 04:21 by:
narv ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, F-O-X -4, Captian Katsura +6, Etic +7, Otium +6, tavion66 +5, frios +6, flips +3, founoe +6, tsuruya +7, sc00ter -7, irage88 +6, Osohg +8, and 170 more...
Last edited on 02 October 2015, 08:54.
Base +6, flips +3, tavion66 +5, Etic +7, founoe +6, Captian Katsura +6, irage88 +6, h4mburgers +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, Justray +6, Cattapratta -8, qwertzy12 +8, Otium +6, and 118 more...
Posted on 22 September 2015, 08:49 by:
Zeikfried ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +12, tavion66 -5, animasouloss +6, flips +3, Etic +7, founoe +6, Badrasta +8, Captian Katsura +6, Maximum_Joe -40, BLKDRAGON1007 +5, irage88 +6, MrFunshine +6, FieldsOfWeed +5, and 124 more...
Posted on 24 September 2015, 01:24 by:
cryptik1 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, frios +6, flips +3, Etic +7, Eviolite +7, Captian Katsura +6, tavion66 +5, tsuruya +7, gravalpea +7, nommhaj +7, zafrin +5, irage88 +6, F-O-X -4, and 174 more...
Posted on 30 September 2015, 03:56 by:
thehan ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, flips +3, Captian Katsura -6, Etic +7, frios +6, tsuruya +7, lawlesswalrus -4, tavion66 +5, Kihokki +5, Shinryu-Rex +5, Cattapratta -8, Otium +6, UnGtx +11, and 114 more...
Base +7, frios +6, Captian Katsura +6, Martz +7, Shinryu-Rex +5, tsuruya +7, Etic +7, Dede Tartenfion -3, Cattapratta -8, hank_ +5, jennamilena +5, derp derp +8, gravalpea +7, and 72 more...
Posted on 18 October 2015, 03:56 by:
cryptik1 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, gigadyne +5, Cattapratta -8, frios +6, Hilarity +6, Captian Katsura -6, Etic +7, AsukaBestGirl +4, hank_ +5, F-O-X -5, ignorantoftheshow +5, k8p5f7x2 +8, Dooderz +8, and 75 more...
Posted on 23 October 2015, 06:33 by:
Tatchy ![Contact Poster PM](
Last edited on 11 November 2015, 00:52.
Base +5, ignorantoftheshow +5, jennamilena +5, neonn +7, frios +6, Etic +7, Azul_Granato_Shifter -1, Captian Katsura -6, rawrdood +7, limehat7 +6, Kihokki +5, Hilarity +6, F-O-X -5, and 108 more...
Posted on 25 October 2015, 03:57 by:
viledog ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, neonn +7, grthwllms +7, aizel +6, Etic +7, Azul_Granato_Shifter -1, Captian Katsura -6, AsukaBestGirl +4, tsuruya +7, limehat7 +6, frios +6, bgfxgh +6, tio1 +6, and 137 more...
Posted on 25 October 2015, 21:27 by:
googler11 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, SpeedyWeed +4, Etic +7, limehat7 +6, frios +6, Captian Katsura +6, tsuruya +7, bgfxgh +6, TANKUP +6, gravalpea +7, Hilarity +6, fnorman +1, FieldsOfWeed +5, and 98 more...
Posted on 29 October 2015, 13:43 by:
Kuukunen ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, tsuruya +7, Etic +7, Captian Katsura +6, october +6, F-O-X +5, Dooderz +8, Shinryu-Rex +5, lansquenete +8, Steak Puncher +4, ignorantoftheshow +5, k8p5f7x2 +8, Badrasta -8, and 35 more...
Base +14, october -6, tsuruya +7, Captian Katsura +6, Dooderz -8, k8p5f7x2 -9, guruhoro -7, malhavoc431 +11, PersonaFan08 +15, cochrane +10, Dexterspet +6, Shinryu-Rex -6, Satanman +7, and 31 more...
Posted on 03 November 2015, 01:54 by:
キラ・ヤマト ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +21, weaqual -8, frios +6, tsuruya +7, Bud_1911 -6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hentiez +5, Etic +7, Captian Katsura -6, Dooderz +8, ignorantoftheshow +5, newguy2012a +9, Afbgchdiej_Bobijoe +7, and 110 more...
Base +5, Etic +7, wasurenai +7, FieldsOfWeed +5, tsuruya +7, F-O-X +5, Dooderz +8, Shinryu-Rex +5, ThunderKurono +9, Steak Puncher +4, newguy2012a +9, Afbgchdiej_Bobijoe +7, flips +3, and 95 more...
Posted on 08 November 2015, 04:39 by:
gweh ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, k8p5f7x2 +8, Shinryu-Rex +5, DannyT +9, lansquenete +8, Steak Puncher +4, Nen +6, jimbostyles +6, Afbgchdiej_Bobijoe +7, flips +3, MDepth +6, jonniecage +6, FieldsOfWeed +6, and 92 more...
Posted on 15 November 2015, 13:29 by:
Indel ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +8, kap8 +5, tsuruya +7, k8p5f7x2 +8, fffh +6, Etic +7, thejapatt +5, FieldsOfWeed +6, TheGameBoy50 +6, Dimitro +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, labmonkey +6, dansk +6, and 142 more...
Posted on 17 November 2015, 06:26 by:
cubey ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, TANKUP +6, DannyT +9, gravalpea +7, k8p5f7x2 +8, Shinryu-Rex +5, tsuruya +7, Etic +7, Junkie 2002 +6, Badrasta -8, Trvldl +13, TheGameBoy50 +6, Hanatake Yurii +9, and 65 more...
Posted on 18 November 2015, 03:01 by:
heavy01 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +6, tavion66 +5, FieldsOfWeed +6, tsuruya +7, Etic +7, gotogoto +7, hobosurf +6, frios +6, Badrasta -8, Junkie 2002 +6, wowfapper +5, k8p5f7x2 +9, MrDudeManGuyN00b +5, and 80 more...
Base +6, guruhoro +7, Etic +7, Captian Katsura +7, tavion66 +5, malhavoc431 +11, asdfest +5, addabug +6, raiiban +6, Shinryu-Rex +6, TheBrojangles +4, Otium +6, k8p5f7x2 +10, and 90 more...
Base +4, Captian Katsura +7, J0J0nnes +1, cochrane +10, Hilarity +6, TANKUP +6, addabug +6, wowfapper +5, PersonaFan08 +15, hobozombie +8, somadracula -6, soltaker21 +5, Dexterspet -6, and 42 more...
Base +19, RoDryBones +6, PersonaFan08 +15, Captian Katsura +7, XList +6, AntonioCC +5, tazmanian devil +26, meep402 +10, F-O-X -5, Reikuki +18, TheGreyPanther -40, arbiter_protoss +7, Xionos +7, and 21 more...
Posted on 24 February 2016, 02:10 by:
gweh ![Contact Poster PM](
Last edited on 10 October 2018, 15:01.
Base +13, Bananen +6, Ayylmao123 +4, XCalibur1585 +6, suppository +6, addabug +6, AntonioCC -5, ignorantoftheshow +5, Captian Katsura -7, Etic +8, Rody~ +1, DannyT +9, gravalpea +7, and 186 more...
Base +20, PersonaFan08 +16, Reikuki +18, Captian Katsura +7, FihteN -4, damsco +6, ignorantoftheshow -5, AntonioCC -5, bountyd +4, Xionos -7, bobtacosenderson +3, arbiter_protoss -7, scp148 +5, and 44 more...
Base +6, daymson +4, Tjburn +5, Doallyn +7, Pikachu4Prezident +3, Captian Katsura +7, DarkOne15 +6, itspherical +4, Gorince +6, Etic +8, metalgearkhan +5, qwertzy12 +8, ignorantoftheshow +5, and 69 more...
Base +2, ignorantoftheshow +5, Etic +8, daymson +4, gravalpea +7, arbiter_protoss -7, tsuruya +7, XList -6, masternarutos +5, Xionos -7, bobtacosenderson +3, tavion66 +6, Pervert-Kun +6, and 74 more...
Base +7, ignorantoftheshow +5, bobbydando +7, Etic +8, arbiter_protoss -7, tsuruya +7, DarkOne15 +6, TheGreyPanther -40, Khalikryst -6, Captian Katsura +7, PersonaFan08 -16, simplesimon32 +28, Tast22 +15, and 63 more...
Posted on 12 July 2016, 07:07 by:
CM1T ![Contact Poster PM](
Last edited on 16 September 2019, 14:43.
Base +6, random2003 +6, arbiter_protoss -7, ignorantoftheshow +5, alteleric2 +8, Zxenos +6, Etic +8, Shanghai +7, bobtacosenderson +4, Shinryu-Rex +6, Junkie 2002 +6, S.Skygazer +7, jonniecage +7, and 78 more...
Posted on 12 July 2016, 16:36 by:
Kyleben ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +1, ignorantoftheshow +5, Zee capten +6, Captian Katsura +7, wowfapper +6, XList +6, ASSFAGET +6, jaked223 +16, alteleric2 +8, Etic +8, Shinryu-Rex +6, J0J0nnes +3, Junkie 2002 +6, and 121 more...
Last edited on 01 January 2019, 23:33.
Base +2, tsuruya +7, Buttlad -6, Cattapratta -9, ASSFAGET +7, ignorantoftheshow +6, Karkaras +6, J0J0nnes +4, Vdawg1337 +6, gloverW +5, godischinese +8, bobtacosenderson +4, sandu_0129 +6, and 114 more...
Base +22, tazmanian devil +26, tavion66 -6, Reikuki +20, blue penguin +40, voxxyn +9, arbiter_protoss +7, Captian Katsura +7, jaked223 +16, Sangetzu +6, Maximum_Joe +64, svines85 +34, simplesimon32 +32, and 29 more...
Base +6, ASSFAGET +7, doom_tree +6, Captian Katsura +7, arbiter_protoss +7, PersonaFan08 +17, ofKing +4, Sangetzu +6, bountyd +5, voxxyn +9, tavion66 -6, simplesimon32 +32, qwerdssa +8, and 64 more...
Base +4, Nanashi Genmu +25, androyd09 +7, Captian Katsura +7, Fwooshness +5, Ficfactor +14, Uwe +6, qwerdssa +8, bountyd +5, Gaiadrill +6, atheistpreacher +6, ComradeToodles +5, Estorva +6, and 143 more...
Posted on 15 June 2017, 01:32 by:
sbrd95 ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +5, ddolddol +10, h4mburgers +6, llorir +6, gravalpea +8, noildoof +6, amurec80 +6, Cattapratta -9, ASSFAGET +7, wyvernoflegend +6, arbiter_protoss -7, bountyd +6, BlueApocal +1, and 170 more...
Last edited on 26 February 2018, 08:16.
Base +7, amurec80 +6, bountyd +6, SciFiMisc +5, ASSFAGET +7, Juggernaut Santa +24, ttttttttt +6, NoNameNoBlame +33, someonerandome +7, gamagaeru +26, BugMeNotAccount0002 +6, arbiter_protoss -7, Z-Bunny +8, and 52 more...
Posted on 01 December 2020, 05:15 by:
sdpfsj ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +11, QuikBasic +8, Decimus66 +6, techgent +9, Forgotten logic +8, FutanariOverAnything +10, majorwrll +6, ferrod +6, Honeycat +49, ensane +9, Auhra +8, fakefalsofaketrue +6, Zbasa +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, Janime +7, DocJenkins +6, NitroRaikou +7, ziggyb -7, QuikBasic +8, littleseba +6, Captain Tarkus +6, simplesimon32 +38, Kagoraphobia +58
Posted on 07 June 2022, 06:40 by:
morineko ![Contact Poster PM](
Base +55, Captain Tarkus +6, coke0123 +4